🔐Discord Authenticator

You can learn how to link multicharacterv2 slots with Discord roles in this article

  • First of all, we need to create a bot for our server on the Discord Developer Portal.

  • This video will be an example for you for bot installation. Creating a Discord Bot.

  • After getting the bot on the server, go to the Config_sv.lua file

  • Enter the ID of your server as the value in the ConfigSV.GuildID Variable.

  • After entering the GuildID, copy the token of the bot you created. Then paste it into the variable ConfigSV.BotToken

  • After these operations, create 5 different roles for the Multicaracter Slot on your server. Or create 2-3 or maybe 1 different role according to your own wishes. Your choice.

  • Copy the Rolids of the roles you created and find the Config.SlotRoles variable in the Config file and replace the data of the variables from 1 to 5 with the Rolids you copied.

Config.SlotRoles = { 
    -- [@number] = "@string" 
    -- [slotNumber] = 'Slot Discord Role ID'
    [1] = 'YOUR ROLE ID',
    [2] = 'YOUR ROLE ID',
    [3] = 'YOUR ROLE ID',
    [4] = 'YOUR ROLE ID',
    [5] = 'YOUR ROLE ID',

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