🔫Weapon Things

You can find weapon-related content for the Evidence script here.

How do I make a shell casing according to weapon type

  • Firstly, you should examine this native to find out the type of weapon.

  • Secondly, you should choose the bullet case model. You can find this by searching the site. Usually when you type Sheel, many models come out.

  • After doing these first two operations, go to wais-evidence/Config.lua

  • After finding the Config.CaseModels table, type the group name of the weapon type as in the example below.

Config.CaseModels = { -- Probe of the shell / bullet case sample to be formed on the ground when fired with a gun
    [`GROUP_SNIPER`] = "w_pi_singleshot_shell",

How do I add Blacklist Weapon

When adding a Blacklist weapon, you can add both weapon name specific and group.

Config.BlackListedWeapons = {
    ["weapons"] = {
        [`weapon_pistol`] = true,
        [`your_weapon_name`] = true,
    ["group"] = {
        [`GROUP_MELEE`] = true,
        [`GROUP_THROWN`] = true,
        [`GROUP_STUNGUN`] = true,
        [`GROUP_PETROLCAN`] = true,
        [`GROUP_PARACHUTE`] = true,

Where can I change the weapon names that appear in the archive

  • For this, you must visit the Config.Weapons table.

  • After visiting the painting, you should look for the name of your weapon. Example: weapon_pistol

  • After finding the weapon, you can change the visible name of your weapon from the Label variable in it.

Config.Weapons = {
    [`my_weapon`] = { label = 'My weapon label', weapontype = 'My weapon type' },

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