🎓Tattoo Store Config

There are simple explanations of the settings.

Here you can adjust the base setting

Config.framework = "ESX" ---- QBCORE

This setting is only valid for esx multichar users

Config.haveMultichar = true

Here you can set 5 different skin systems.

Config.skinstyle = "esx_skin" --- "esx_skin", "qb-clothing" , "ownsystem" , "illenium-appearance", "fivem-appearance"
  • esx_skin = > For esx, it registers to users > skin table and esx_skin works with skinchanger.

  • qb-clothing = > Saves to the playerskin table for qbcore and works with qb-clothing.

  • ownsystem = > Saves to the playerallclothing folder in the script.

  • illenium-appearance = > makes extra translations and saves for illenium.

  • fivem-appearance = > makes extra translations and saves for fap.

You can use auto or playerload for automatic work.

Config.control = "auto" --- auto or playerload

This setting automatically writes the description of unspecified clothing items.

Config.standartdest = "You can wear it however you like"

If you are using the bp_charcreate script, set this to true.

Config.usebp_charcreate = true

You can add a market here. Multiple markets can be added from a single setting.

Config.tattoostores = {
    ["1"] = {
        ['name'] = "Tattoo Store",
        ['label'] = "Tattoo Store [E]",
        ['coords'] = {
            vector3(1322.6, -1651.9, 50.2),
            vector3(-1153.6, -1425.6, 3.9),
            vector3(322.1, 180.4, 102.5),
            vector3(-3170.0, 1075.0, 19.8),
            vector3(1864.6, 3747.7, 32.0),
            vector3(-293.7, 6200.0, 30.4)
        ['storeblips'] = {['blipshow'] = true, ['blipsprite'] = 75, ['blipcolor'] = 3, ['blipscale'] = 0.7}, 
        ['storemarkers'] = {['markertype'] = 27,['markersize']= 0.7, ['markercolor'] = {['r'] = 255, ['g'] = 0 , ['b'] = 0}}


With the dovmeler.json file you see here, you can set the tattoo price and names.

Config.dovmeliste = json.decode(LoadResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), 'dovmeler.json'))

Last updated