🎯Errors / Questions
Here are some important things for script usage!
Attention QB, QS or OX users!
When you restart the Evidence script, if you have these three inventories (qs, qb or ox), you must stop using the weapons you have once and use them again.
The reason for this is this. When you use a weapon in the inventories, an event comes and the information of the weapon in your hand is accessed.
The problems are the following: No shell casings fall to the ground, casings are not visible with a flashlight.
Shell casings fall to the ground
You probably have a legal job, which is in the Config.
For example, if you have professions like "police", bullets will not fall to the ground.
The bag is not being analyzed! / Does not appear in the menu
Presumably, the bag of evidence left over from your old script or with your old script being open, the evidence bag is created outside the information of this script, so you cannot analyze it.
qb-police usually contains such content, please disable it and clean the evidence bags in your old scripts from the players.
NUI Is Not Ready
wais-compatibility should run before the script. this error comes because the compatibility script starts before the evidencen. Do not folder the files. Or put wais-compatibility alone in the resources folder and start it after Core in server.cfg.
Last updated