📃Change Language

Read this article to translate the text in bodycamv2 into your language

Yes, there is a file and a table. You can organise it according to your language.

Go to wais-bodycamv2/html/public/language.json file and edit the variables according to yourself.

    "header": {
        "bodyListTitle": "bodycameras listing",
        "bodyListSubtitle": "here you can see all bodycameras",

        "dashListTitle": "dashcameras listing",
        "dashListSubtitle": "here you can see all dashcameras",

        "recordListTitle": "records listing",
        "recordListSubtitle": "here you can see all records"
    "search": "Search by name",
    "grade": "grade",
    "name": "name",
    "date": "date",
    "watch": "watch",
    "category": "category",
    "bodycams": "bodycameras",
    "dashcams": "dashcameras",
    "records": "records",
    "close": "close the menu",
    "recording": "recording",
    "live": "living",
    "location": "location",
    "exitcam": "backspace / exit camera"

Last updated