Xox Minigame

XOX Game Minigame Documentation

This documentation explains the basic usage and integration of the "XOX Game" minigame designed for FiveM.

What is the XOX Game?

The "XOX Game" is a pattern-matching minigame where players need to match symbols (X, O, and Δ) within a given time frame. The game involves a grid layout of different symbols, and the player must clear or match the grid correctly to succeed.

Key Features:

  • Timed Gameplay: Players must complete the game within a defined time limit.

  • Symbol Matching: Players interact with a grid of symbols (X, O, Δ) to complete the game.

  • Success/Failure Condition: The game is successfully completed when the symbols are matched correctly within the time. Failure occurs if the time runs out or the symbols are incorrectly matched.

Export Usage

This minigame can be triggered and controlled using the following export function.


  • callback (function): The function that is triggered when the game ends.

  • duration (integer): The total time for the game (in seconds).

  • header (string): The text displayed as the game’s title.

Command Example:

RegisterCommand("xoxtest", function()
        if success then
            TriggerEvent("chatMessage", "SYSTEM", "success", "XOX Game completed!")
            TriggerEvent("chatMessage", "SYSTEM", "error", "XOX Game failed!")
    end, 30, "XOX Game")

General Information

The XOX Game is designed to be integrated easily into FiveM projects. Players are required to match symbols within a set duration. The game can be initiated through commands and provides feedback based on success or failure.

To integrate the minigame into your project, simply call the xoxGame function using the export as shown above.


Last updated