You can find all the necessary information and developer content for Detectorist here
Make sure to add the necessary items, item images and job names required for the job
["name"]: It is the label that will appear in menus or notifications.
[âmenuâ] variable consists of things related to the location from which the job is to be retrieved
["job_menu"]: @vector3 Accepts. The menu access location of the job.
["interaction_distance"]: @float Accepts. The player distance controlled to access the menu.
ðĶ Giveable / Findable Items
It is a table consisting of the items that will appear while searching the areas. You can add or remove new items.
["item_name"]: @object We can start creating the table structure by writing the name of the item.
["label"]: @string Name to be displayed in the notification to be sent when the item is found.
["amount"]: @number The amount to be given to the person when the item is found. You can make it random if you want. Here is an example:
math.random(1, 3)
(but I don't recommend it).["rarity"]: @float It is the probability (valence) of finding the item. I recommend making it maximum 1.0. The more the value decreases, the more valuable it becomes as a âZeroâ is added to its left, here are a few examples:
0.1, 0.05, 0.02.
ð Car Settings
Contains the details of the operator vehicle. You can enter spawn location and vehicle type.
["model"]: @string You can enter the vehicle model here. Be careful to enter a valid vehicle.
["spawnCoords"]: @vector4 Accepts. It is the position where the vehicle will emerge. The direction your character is facing is the direction the front of your vehicle will face.
ðĐProps Settings / Detector Attach
Necessary conditions for attaching the detector to the player and the vehicle.
["prop_settings"]: @object Detector attach settings.
["prop"]: @string It is the name of the detector model.
["car_attach"]: The necessary settings for the prop to be a paperclip for the car back
["bone"]: @number Select the appropriate one of the bonnets that the back have.
["coords"]: @vector3 It is the offset to be added to the 0.0 position of the boot.
["rotation"]: @vector3 The location, direction and heading settings of the Prop when attaching it to the back.
["player_attach:]: Prop settings between the prop and the player.
["bone"]: @number Select the appropriate one of the back that the player have. AltV - Ped Bones
["coords"]: @vector3 It is the offset to be added to the 0.0 position of the player.
["rotation"]: @vector3 The location, direction and heading settings of the Prop when attaching it to the player.
["animName"]: @string Animation name.
["animDict"]: @string Animation directory name.
âąCooldown Timer / Animation Duration
["reset_timer"]: @number When you finish all item searches and excavations in a search area, it is an area-specific cooldown type so that you cannot search the area again.
["digging_duration"]: @number When you find a valuable item, this is the time you will animate while digging for it.
ðDetectorist Zones / Areas
It consists of areas where valuables will be searched and areas where the items are buried.
["detectorist_zones"]: @object Areas.
[index]: IMPORTANT â @number This is a area number. The maximum number of area found should be written by adding +1. If there are no area, it should start from 1.
["zone"]: @vector3 Coordinate of the area to be searched.
["radius"]: @float It is the width of the area.
In the âdetectable_coordsâ section, the vector4 coordinate from which the valuable item will be extracted must be entered.
Last updated