0Resmon IDCard V2 Installation Document and Basic Concepts
local shot = exports['0r_idcard']:GetBase64(PlayerPedId()) TriggerServerEvent("0r_idcard:server:createCard", shot, "citizen")
local shot = exports['0r_idcard']:GetBase64(PlayerPedId()) TriggerServerEvent("0r_idcard:server:createCard", shot, "driver")
local shot = exports['0r_idcard']:GetBase64(PlayerPedId()) TriggerServerEvent("0r_idcard:server:createCard", shot, "weapon")
id_card = { name ='id_card', label ='ID Card', weight =0, type ='item', image ='id_card.png', unique =true, useable =true, shouldClose =true, description ='A card containing all your information to identify yourself' },job_card = { name ='job_card', label ='Job ID Card', weight =0, type ='item', image ='id_card.png', unique =true, useable =true, shouldClose =true, description ='A card containing all your information to identify yourself' },fake_id_card = { name ='fake_id_card', label ='Fake ID Card', weight =0, type ='item', image ='id_card.png', unique =true, useable =true, shouldClose =true, description ='A card containing all your information to identify yourself' },fake_job_card = { name ='fake_job_card', label ='Fake Job ID Card', weight =0, type ='item', image ='id_card.png', unique =true, useable =true, shouldClose =true, description ='A card containing all your information to identify yourself' },driver_license = { name ='driver_license', label ='Drivers License', weight =0, type ='item', image ='driver_license.png', unique =true, useable =true, shouldClose =true, description ='Permit to show you can drive a vehicle' },weapons_license = { name ='weapons_license', label ='Weapon License', weight =0, type ='item', image ='weapon_license.png', unique =true, useable =true, shouldClose =true, description ='Permit to show you can use weapon' },
['id_card'] = { label ='ID Card', weight =1, stack =false, close =true},['job_card'] = { label ='Job Card', weight =1, stack =false, close =true},['fake_id_card'] = { label ='Fake ID Card', weight =1, stack =false, close =true},['fake_job_card'] = { label ='Fake Job Card', weight =1, stack =false, close =true},['driver_license'] = { label ='Drivers License', weight =1, stack =false, close =true},['weapons_license'] = { label ='Weapon License', weight =1, stack =false, close =true},