Type = "car",
Owner = "",
VehicleShopName = "",
Money = 0,
History = {},
Employees = {},
Vehicles = {},
StockRequestFeeRate = 0,
Discount = 0,
RecentSales = {},
RecentOrders = {},
IncreasedSalesRate = 0,
ShareofCarDeliverer = 0,
Categories = {},
Requests = {},
-- Do not play with the above variables. You can make changes to the following variables.
Price = 5000000, -- VehicleShop purchase price.
BlipShow = true,
Blip = {Id = 227, Scale = 0.5, Color = 3, Display = 4},
ExitVehicleSpawn = vector4(-33.62, -1080.69, 27.04, 70.3), -- After the vehicle is purchased, where it will spawn.
CarSpawn = vector4(-47.6053, -1093.84, 26.422, 255.01), -- Coordinate where the vehicle that appears in the gallery was created.w
Spawn = vector3(-42.4820, -1091.92, 26.422), -- Coordinate where the vehicle that appears in the gallery was created.
PlayerSpawn = vector3(-47.6053, -1093.84, 26.422), -- Coordinate where the vehicle that appears in the gallery was created.
ShopOpenCoord = vector3(-57.118858337402,-1097.2447509766,26.422357559204), -- Coordinate of the menu where the players can see the vehicles.
BossMenuCoord = vector3(-32.083930969238,-1114.3852539063,26.422359466553), -- Location where the player can access the boss menu.
VehicleDeliveryCoord = vector3(-18.44, -1103.87, 26.93), -- Coordinate where the player will deliver the car during a vehicle delivery.
CardealerVehicles = {
Spawn = vector3(-11.417442321777,-1102.2602539063,26.672048568726),
Your code should be like above. Then, in the vehicleshop you copied, ExitVehicleSpawn,CarSpawn, Spawn, The coordinates in the BossMenuCoord and CardealerVehicles sections are the places you need to change for your new vehicleshops
Hide Hud
Please note that these events may vary depending on the hud script you use.
Shared.CloseHud = function() -- When Vehicleshop opens, it hides your hud.
TriggerEvent('wais:hudHide', true)
Shared.OpenHud = function() -- When Vehicleshop opens, it makes your hud visible.
TriggerEvent('wais:hudHide', false)
Place events, exports or functions that hide and open your border within these functions.
Addon add a car
First, find the image of your addon tool in png format. And then drag this image to kibra-vehicleshops/web/img.
Next, open kibra-vehicleshops/shared/main.lua
Shared.CustomCars = { -- Write the models of the vehicles you add as addon here.
Next, write the model of the vehicle in this table.
Remember: The model name of the vehicle and the image extension name of the vehicle must be the same.