🚌Bus Driver

You can find all the necessary information and developer content for Bus Driver here

Make sure to add the necessary items, item images and job names required for the job

  • ["name"]: It is the label that will appear in menus or notifications.

  • The [‘menu’] variable consists of things related to the location from which the job is to be retrieved

    • ["job_menu"]: @vector3 Accepts. The menu access location of the job.

    • ["interaction_distance"]: @float Accepts. The player distance controlled to access the menu.

🚗Bus / Car Settings

Contains the details of the operator vehicle. You can enter spawn location and vehicle type.

  • ["model"]: @string You can enter the vehicle model here. Be careful to enter a valid vehicle.

  • ["spawnCoords"]: @vector4 Accepts. It is the position where the vehicle will emerge. The direction your character is facing is the direction the front of your vehicle will face.

  • ["cam_settings"]: Camera settings for the cinematic animation when you arrive at the bus stop

    • ["bone"]: @number Bone id where the camera will be fixed to the vehicle.

    • ["fov"]: @float Distance from camera.

    • ["rotation"]: @vec3 Camera rotation settings.

    • ["offset"]: @vec3 Adjustments of the camera's position direction on the bone.

🚏Bus Lines

Here you can increase or change the bus lines on which people can work.

  • ["line_number"]: @object Contents of the bus line

    • ["reward"]: @number The player's reward for this service.

    • ["mission_time"]: @number Time to be entered for delivery. Minutes * 60 * 1000.

    • ["extra_time"]: @number Extra time to be added after the specified delivery time has expired. Minutes * 60 * 1000

    • ["deducted_per_min"]: @number If extra time is activated, a fee will be deducted from the reward for each ‘One’ minute spent.

    • ["label"]: The title of the bus line that will appear in the menu.

  • ["stops"]: @object It is the table with bus stops.

    • [index]: IMPORTANT@number This is a stop number. The maximum number of stop found should be written by adding +1. If there are no stop, it should start from 1.

    • ["coords"]: @vector4 It is the coordinate of the stop. It is recommended to take a position from the road side in front of the stop. where the vehicle will stop.

    • ["npc_coord"]: @vector4 It is the location where the NPCs in the stop will spawn.

    • ["distance"]: @float The maximum distance of the vehicle to the position. If it is shorter than the specified distance, it will start passenger pick-up and drop-off operations.

    • ["leaving_passenger"]: @number The number of passengers leaving the bus. The default coach bus has 10 seats. It accepts positive numbers.

    • ["boarding_passenger"]: @number The number of passengers on the bus. The default coach bus has 10 seats. It accepts positive numbers. If the 10 seats are somehow full for other reasons, the pads will not board.

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