How To Do

Here you can find out how to do some things.

How to enable SideJob - Other Job option

With this feature, you can enable people to use this system as a 2nd or 3rd profession by not using setJob functions by core.

Config.SideJob = true -- If you want to use the side job system, you can activate it here. If you want to use the main job system, you can disable it.

Send Trigger when a job is finished

When a profession is finished, you can send a Trigger/Export to another script using the function below with the finished profession information.

So you can give things like Vehicle, Item, XP, Daily reward, Extra item.

Config.JobSuccess = function(job, reward, index, currTime, usedExtraTime)
    print('Job Success', job, reward, index, currTime, usedExtraTime)
    -- Here your extra codes

Making a Level query when choosing a job

If you have a Level script on your server, you can make a query by finding the codes and file below. Thus, people will no longer be able to take that job without having the required level.

wais-jobpack Script does not have its own Level/XP System. This process applies to people using an additional script.

For this go to the following file path. wais-jobpack/client/editable.lua

function selectJob(job)
    -- You can put your own queries or content here. 
    -- If you want to use the level system, you can add the user level query here.
    local playerLevel = exports["my-level-script"]:getLevel()
    local jobLevels = {
            ["pizza_delivery"] = 1
            ["news_delivery"] = 1,
            ["mobile_hotdog"] = 1,
            ["forklifter"] = 4,
            ["gardener"] = 4,
            ["trucker"] = 5,
            ["roadhelper"] = 6,
            ["bus_driver"] = 6,
            ["fire_department"] = 8,
            ["hunter"] = 8,
            ["detectorist"] = 5,
            ["project_car"] = 10,
            ["diver"] = 5,
            --["job-name"] = Required level ---@number
            -- Add here the level required for the professions in the Config to be used as above
    if jobLevels[job] ~= nil and jobLevels[job] < playerLevel then
        -- The player does not have enough Level to perform this job.
        return Config.Notification(Lang('job'), "Your level is not enough", "error", 5000)
    --If the player's Level is sufficient for the profession he will take, the following codes will work
    if Config.SideJob then
        TriggerEvent('wais:set:sideJob', job)
        TriggerServerEvent('wais:setJob', job)
    SetNewWaypoint(Config.Jobs[job].menu.job_menu.x, Config.Jobs[job].menu.job_menu.y)

Last updated