Config Settings

Here you can see some config settings.

Config Base Settings

Config.framework = 'ESX'  ---- 'ESX OR QBCORE'

Config.framework > You can choose between two options: ESX and QBCORE

Config.mapstyle = 'tile' --- >> 'tile' or 'image'

Config.mapstyle = 'tile' > It includes fragmented map images and works more optimised. But it works slower.

Config.mapstyle = 'image' > It works as a single picture. This may cause freezes in 8k images, but it works faster.

Config.maptype = "map1"  --- >> "map1", "map2", "map3"

Config.maptype > There are 3 of the split maps in html. You can select 3 maps as map1, map2, map3.

Config.playermarker = {
    url = 'player2.png',
    width = 12,
    height = 14,
    anchor1 = 6,
    anchor2 = 7

Config.playermarker > With this setting you can change the player navigator (size, url)

Config.Blips = {
    {['name'] = 'Police', ['type'] = 'image', ['coords'] = vector3(447.08, -974.44, 30.68), ['size'] = {['width'] = 20, ['height'] = 20}, ['url'] = 'icons/police.png'  },
    {['name'] = 'Police', ['type'] = 'image', ['coords'] = vector3(647.08, -974.44, 30.68), ['size'] = {['width'] = 20, ['height'] = 20}, ['url'] = 'icons/police.png'  },
    {['name'] = 'Ambulance', ['type'] = 'image', ['coords'] = vector3(307.7, -1433.4, 28.9), ['size'] = {['width'] = 20, ['height'] = 20}, ['url'] = 'icons/ambulance.png'  },
    {['name'] = 'Vehicle Shop', ['type'] = 'svg', ['svginfo'] = '<svg  version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 475.447 475.447" xml:space="preserve"> <polygon style="fill:#91A5AA;" points="244.814,302.647 284.814,262.647 288.014,240.247 377.614,150.647 324.814,97.847 235.214,187.447 212.814,190.647 172.814,230.647 169.614,253.847 65.614,357.847 59.214,351.447 52.814,387.447 40.814,381.047 34.414,409.847 19.214,403.447 0.014,475.447 72.014,456.247 65.614,441.047 94.414,434.647 88.014,422.647 124.014,416.247 117.614,409.847 221.614,305.847 "/> <polygon style="fill:#C1D2D6;" points="251.214,296.247 291.214,256.247 294.414,233.847 384.014,144.247 331.214,91.447 241.614,181.047 219.214,184.247 179.214,224.247 175.214,246.647 71.214,350.647 59.214,351.447 61.614,381.847 40.814,381.047 37.614,405.847 19.214,403.447 6.414,469.047 72.014,456.247 72.014,437.847 94.414,434.647 93.614,413.847 124.014,416.247 125.614,403.447 228.814,299.447 "/> <polyline style="fill:#A3BCC1;" points="6.414,469.047 72.014,456.247 72.014,437.847 94.414,434.647 93.614,413.847 124.014,416.247 125.614,403.447 228.814,299.447 251.214,296.247 291.214,256.247 294.414,233.847 384.014,144.247 356.814,117.047 "/> <path style="fill:#7C999B;" d="M291.214,256.247l3.2-23.2l82.4-82.4c-8.8-6.4-18.4-14.4-28-24s-17.6-19.2-24-28l-83.2,82.4 l-23.2,3.2l-23.2,23.2c7.2,15.2,16.8,30.4,29.6,42.4c12.8,12.8,27.2,22.4,42.4,29.6L291.214,256.247z"/> <path style="fill:#0D4972;" d="M407.214,68.247c-60-60-126.4-92-171.2-47.2c-44,44-49.6,148,10.4,208s164,54.4,208,10.4 C499.214,194.647,467.214,128.247,407.214,68.247z M369.614,105.847c-27.2-27.2-44-56-36-63.2s36,8.8,63.2,36s44,56,36,63.2 S397.614,133.047,369.614,105.847z"/> <path style="fill:#00233F;" d="M407.214,68.247L407.214,68.247l-10.4,9.6l0,0c27.2,27.2,44,56,36,63.2s-36-8.8-63.2-36l0,0 l-123.2,123.2l0,0c60,60,164,54.4,208,10.4C499.214,194.647,467.214,128.247,407.214,68.247z"/> <path style="fill:#7296AA;" d="M404.014,222.647c-31.2,31.2-90.4,23.2-132-18.4s-50.4-100.8-18.4-132c31.2-31.2,57.6,9.6,99.2,52 S435.214,190.647,404.014,222.647z"/> <path style="fill:#648593;" d="M400.814,225.847c22.4-27.2-16.8-53.6-56.8-93.6s-67.2-79.2-93.6-56.8c-27.2,32-18.4,88.8,21.6,128.8 C312.014,244.247,368.014,253.047,400.814,225.847z"/> <path style="fill:#00233F;" d="M260.014,52.247c-3.2,3.2-12,8-15.2,4.8s-0.8-17.6,2.4-20.8c3.2-3.2,8-3.2,11.2,0 C261.614,39.447,263.214,49.047,260.014,52.247z"/> <circle style="fill:#DB402C;" cx="252.814" cy="42.647" r="8"/> <path id="SVGCleanerId_0" style="fill:#C1291E;" d="M258.414,37.047c3.2,3.2,3.2,8,0,11.2c-3.2,3.2-8,3.2-11.2,0"/> <g> <path id="SVGCleanerId_0_1_" style="fill:#C1291E;" d="M258.414,37.047c3.2,3.2,3.2,8,0,11.2c-3.2,3.2-8,3.2-11.2,0"/> </g> <circle style="fill:#EF664B;" cx="252.814" cy="37.847" r="3.2"/> <g> <path style="fill:#2284AF;" d="M404.014,71.447c59.2,59.2,90.4,124.8,48.8,168.8c0.8-0.8,1.6-0.8,1.6-1.6 c44-44,12.8-110.4-47.2-171.2c-60-59.2-126.4-91.2-171.2-46.4c0,0.8-0.8,0.8-1.6,1.6C279.214-18.953,344.014,12.247,404.014,71.447 z"/> <path style="fill:#2284AF;" d="M366.414,109.047c27.2,27.2,56,44,63.2,36c0.8-0.8,0.8-1.6,1.6-2.4c-9.6,3.2-36-12-60.8-37.6 c-25.6-25.6-40.8-51.2-37.6-60.8c-0.8,0-1.6,0.8-2.4,1.6C322.414,53.047,339.214,81.847,366.414,109.047z"/> </g> <g> <path style="fill:#D0E6EA;" d="M21.614,458.647c-1.6,1.6-3.2,1.6-4.8,0l0,0c-1.6-1.6-1.6-3.2,0-4.8l177.6-177.6 c1.6-1.6,3.2-1.6,4.8,0l0,0c1.6,1.6,1.6,3.2,0,4.8L21.614,458.647z"/> <circle style="fill:#D0E6EA;" cx="214.414" cy="261.047" r="3.2"/> <circle style="fill:#D0E6EA;" cx="222.414" cy="253.047" r="3.2"/> <circle style="fill:#D0E6EA;" cx="231.214" cy="244.247" r="3.2"/> </g> <g> <path style="fill:#00233F;" d="M288.814,231.447c-2.4,2.4-5.6,2.4-8,0l0,0c-2.4-2.4-2.4-5.6,0-8l88.8-88.8c2.4-2.4,5.6-2.4,8,0l0,0 c2.4,2.4,2.4,5.6,0,8L288.814,231.447z"/> <path style="fill:#00233F;" d="M405.614,246.647c1.6,1.6,0.8,4.8-0.8,7.2l0,0c-2.4,2.4-5.6,3.2-7.2,0.8l-68.8-68.8 c-1.6-1.6-0.8-4.8,0.8-7.2l0,0c2.4-2.4,5.6-3.2,7.2-0.8L405.614,246.647z"/> </g> </svg>' , ['coords'] = vector3(-35.469879150391, -1100.3621826172, 26.422359466553), ['size'] = {['width'] = 20, ['height'] = 20}  },


Config.Blips > Allows you to add static blips directly. These blips appear in the list.

  1. name : Blip name . If you write the same, the blips are collected.

  2. type : 'image' or 'svg' You can add images such as gif, png, svg as direct url, or you can add path directly with svg mode.

  3. coords : blip coordinate

  4. width,height : You can adjust the blip size.

  5. svginfo : In type svg mode you can enter the svg path for this.

Config.AreaBlips = {
    {['name'] = 'Grove', ['type'] = 'square', ['coords'] = vector3(-85.964836, -851.947266, 40.552368) ,['width'] = 150, ['height'] = 50, ['rotation'] = 190, ['color'] = 'yellow', ['opacity'] = 0.3 , ['bordercolor'] = 'red' , ['weight'] = 1.0 },
    {['name'] = 'Grove2', ['type'] = 'circle', ['coords'] = vector3(447.08, -974.44, 30.68) ,['radius'] = 300, ['color'] = 'blue', ['opacity'] = 0.3 , ['bordercolor'] = 'red' , ['weight'] = 0.5 },
    {['name'] = 'New Zone', ['type'] = 'poly', ['coords'] = {vector2(-119.630768, -1545.230713), vector2(-48.764835, -1607.103271), vector2(-136.417572, -1709.472534),vector2(-172.127472, -1604.043945)  } , ['color'] = 'red', ['opacity'] = 0.3 , ['bordercolor'] = 'red' , ['weight'] = 1.0 },


Config.AreaBlips > You can add field blips with this config setting.

  1. name : Blipe name

  2. type : You can create 3 different areas. With ‘square’ you can create rectangular areas. With ‘circle’ you can create circle areas. With ‘poly’ areas, you can create areas by directly connecting the points.

Config.TextBlips = {
    {['name'] = 'This is Text !', ['type'] = 'text', ['text'] = 'LOS SANTOS HERE',['color'] = 'black',  ['coords'] = vector3(141.810989, -311.828583, 44.83227),['backgroundcolor'] = 'none', ['size'] = {['width'] = 150, ['height'] = 20, ['fontSize'] = 14, ['fontWeight'] = '500'}, ['rotate'] = '0deg'}

Config.TextBlips > YHere you can add text blips on the map.

Last updated