You can find all the necessary information and developer content for Trucker here
Make sure to add the necessary items, item images and job names required for the job
["name"]: It is the label that will appear in menus or notifications.
The [‘menu’] variable consists of things related to the location from which the job is to be retrieved
["job_menu"]: @vector3 Accepts. The menu access location of the job.
["interaction_distance"]: @float Accepts. The player distance controlled to access the menu.
🚗Operator Car / Car Settings
Contains the details of the operator vehicle. You can enter spawn location and vehicle type.
["model"]: @string You can enter the vehicle model here. Be careful to enter a valid vehicle.
["spawnCoords"]: @vector4 Accepts. It is the position where the vehicle will emerge. The direction your character is facing is the direction the front of your vehicle will face.
["shopBlip"]: True and you can see your vehicle on the map.
📋Job / Trailer List
I will take the trailer and deliver it, the money it will earn, etc. This section will help you for content such as
[index]: @number This is a job number. The maximum number of jobs found should be written by adding +1. If there are no jobs, it should start from 1.
["reward"]: @number It is the wage that the actor will receive as a result of completing this job.
There is only one set timer for deliveries. You can understand it by reading the following variables.
["delivery_time"]: @number Time to be entered for delivery. Minutes * 60 * 1000.
["extra_time"]: @number Extra time to be added after the specified delivery time has expired. Minutes * 60 * 1000
["deducted_per_min"]: @number If extra time is activated, a fee will be deducted from the reward for each ‘One’ minute spent.
["delivery_coords"]: @vector4 This is the area where the trailer will be delivered. It is important that it is Vector4. For the way the trailer is parked.
["trailer_stuff"]: You can adjust content such as trailer model, connection and spawn point settings here
["model"]: @string It's a model of the trailer. You can find the trailer types here
["coords"]: @vector4 This is the location where the trains will be spawned.
["spawn_with_attached"]: IMPORTANT! ⇒ @boolean This is the choice of whether or not the trailer is connected to the lorry when it will appear.
allows trailers to be spawned with a lorry["trailer_attachable_with_default"]: IMPORTANT! ⇒ @boolean Some trailer types do not allow the lorry to be physically connected. If you are going to use this type of trailer, you should set this variable to
. Thus, when the lorry comes next to the trailer, it will be connected automatically by the system.
["menu_stuff"]: You can change some of the texts that will appear in the Trailer / Work list here, you can learn their purpose.
["name"]: @string Example of a work/delivery name: Wood Transport
["time"]: @string Must be empty. The system will automatically display the time zone you entered.
["t_type"]: @string Pick-up and Delivery or Delivery Trailer type
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