All necessary settings are available in the config. But you still need to know React to make changes.
You can check all the files under the ui/dev/ folder and make any changes you want. The file where the data is located and processed is ui/dev/src/providers/DataProvider.tsx.
After making your changes you need to get a build. Follow this path to get a build.
You must have NodeJS installed on your system. After
Click on the ui/dev folder with SHIFT+RIGHT CLICK and click Open the Powershell window here. Then type the commands in order.
npm install
npm run build
You can then use the recreated ui/build folder. Your changes will be committed.
Note: You only need to run npm install once. After that you can only use the npm run build command.
How can i set my own vehicle key script
modules/utils/client.luaUtils.GiveVehicleKey check and edit this function.
How can i set my own notify system
modules/utils/client.luaUtils.Notify check and edit this function.
Configuration File (config.lua)
--[[ All settings of the script are found and edited in this file. ]]
Config = {}
--[[ Commands and Settings ]]
Config.Commands = {
--[[ You can trigger the menu with a command. ]]
OpenMenu = {
active = true,
command = 'garbagejob',
--[[ Command the lobby leader can use to end the match ]]
LeaveTask = {
active = true,
command = 'leavegarbagetask',
--[[ Accept Lobby Invite ]]
AcceptInvite = {
command = 'acceptgarbage',
Config.JobOptions = {
--[[ Ranks
Determines the completion experience of each level.
The more there are, the more levels there are.
So in this value, 7 levels have been added.
ranks = { 0, 1800, 4000, 6000, 9000, 12000, 20000 },
startPoints = {
--[[ Start Point #1 ]]
[1] = {
active = true,
Restrict jobs that can do this job
Value: nil or 'job_name' or {job_name_1 = 0, job_name_2 = 0}
job = nil,
-- [[ Employer Options ]]
employerPed = {
-- [[ Employer will be here ]]
spawnCoords = vector4(-318.9055, -1540.5082, 27.6605, 331.5302),
model = 's_m_y_garbage',
blip = {
active = true, scale = 0.8, color = 16, sprite = 318, title = 'Garbage Job'
-- [[ Vehicle Options ]]
taskVehicleSpawnCoords = {
vector4(-329.2752, -1519.9646, 27.5345, 176.9559),
vector4(-326.0136, -1520.5620, 27.3902, 179.6123),
vector4(-322.7132, -1519.8539, 27.5448, 182.3351),
lastStep = {
destroyCoords = vector(-329.1760, -1562.4731, 27.5355),
count = 3,
Config.Tasks = {
-- Level 1
[1] = {
unique_id = 1,
level = 1,
title = 'Task #1',
exp = 600,
fee = 5000,
goals = 3,
max_client = 2,
[2] = {
unique_id = 2,
level = 1,
title = 'Task #2',
exp = 600,
fee = 5000,
goals = 3,
max_client = 4,
-- Level 2
[3] = {
unique_id = 3,
level = 2,
title = 'Task #3',
exp = 800,
fee = 8000,
goals = 5,
max_client = 2,
Spawn coordinates of Dumpster objects.
Players will be directed to these coordinates.
Config.DumpsterCoords = {
vector4(-238.9105, -1467.7247, 30.5167, 24.8564),
vector4(-165.3418, -1676.4504, 32.2536, 233.5978),
vector4(-175.5567, -1370.8782, 30.2655, 305.4118),
--[[ Garbage Models ]]
Config.Models = {
dumpster = 218085040,
bin_bag = 1138881502,
small_box = -1305230175,
--[[ Thrown garbage bags can break and drop items ]]
Config.ThrowBinBag = {
active = true,
breakChance = 0.5, --[[ 0.1-1.0 ]]
items = {
{ name = 'metalscrap', label = 'Metal Scrap', count = 1 },
{ name = 'copper', label = 'Copper', count = 1 },
{ name = 'plastic', label = 'Plastic', count = 1 },
--[[ You can set Commands.OpenMenu' command to use with item. ]]
Config.Tablet = {
active = true,
itemName = 'garbage_tablet',
-- [[ Uniform Options ]]
Config.JobUniforms = {
active = true,
--[[! Clothing models in ``modules/bridge/<framework>/client.lua`` !]]
--[[ Garbage Vehicle ]]
Config.TaskVehicles = {
--[[ Vehicle for 1/2 person missions ]]
model_1 = 'master2', -- !!! I don't recommend changing it.
--[[ Vehicle for 3/4 person missions ]]
model_2 = 'trash2', -- !!! I don't recommend changing it.
--[[ Vehicle Plate | max 8 character ]]
plate = 'GARBAGE',
Config.Bundle = {
['delivery'] = '0r-delivery',
['towtruck'] = '0r-towtruck'
--[[ DEBUG ]]
Config.debug = false