
On this page, you can access information about all features running in the interface and in the background, so you can easily configure the script.

Character Models

Character models are divided into ManPlayerModels and WomanPlayerModels in the peds.lua file. You can add custom character models to these tables and display their photos in the interface with the /screenshotmenu command.

Enable/Disable Background Blur


You can give a depth effect to the character's background by making it false or true.

Use Default Cloth Images / Your Own Captured Images

This option determines whether automatically generated default images or your own uploaded images will be used for specific categories. When set to True, the system uses auto-generated images for that category. When set to false, your own captured and uploaded images will be used instead.

Config.UseDefaultClothImages = {
    Skin = true,
    Hair = true,
    Makeup = true,
    Clothing = true,
    Accessories = true,
    Body = true

Listing Character Models By Gender

When this option is true, the character model genders in the menu will be the same as the gender the player selected in the identity. If false, the player can switch between male and female character models.

Config.ShowAllPeds = true, -- If it is false, you can only see female characters if your character is female and only male characters if your character is male.

Teleport After Character Creation Completed

If this option is true, the player will be teleported to the coordinates written in the Coords section after completing the character creation process.

Config.SetCoordsAfterFinalize = {
    Enable = true,
    Coords = vector4(-1038.1, -2738.23, 20.17, 325.03)

Teleport When Creating Character

If this option is true, it teleports the player to the specified coordinate when the character creation screen opens.

Config.TeleportWhenCreatingChar = {
    Enable = true,
    Coords = vector4(-1038.1, -2738.23, 20.17, 325.03)

After Character Creation Is Finished

This function is called after character creation and you can write any code you want here.

Config.CharacterFinalized = function()
    -- Write something here

Open Character Menu For A Player

You can activate or deactivate the use of commands, change commands and their descriptions, as well as control the authorisation of players who can use these commands.

There are two commands restricted and normal, you can access the necessary information from the subtitle.

Config.GiveClothingMenu = {
    Enable = true,
    Command = "giveclothingmenu",
    RestrictedCommand = "giverestrictedclothingmenu",
    Description = "Give advanced clothing menu",
    RestrictedDescription = "Give restricted clothing menu",
    Group = "admin"

Character Creation Menu Permits

There are two options, one with some restricted categories and the other with all categories active.

You can activate or deactivate the categories in these options.

Config.CharacterCreationMenuCategories = {
    Normal = {
        Peds = false,
        Face = true,
        FaceFeatures = true,
        Skin = true,
        Hair = true,
        Makeup = true,
        Clothing = true,
        Accessories = true
    Restricted = {
        Peds = false,
        Face = false,
        FaceFeatures = false,
        Skin = true,
        Hair = true,
        Makeup = false,
        Clothing = true,
        Accessories = true


There are 2 types, interaction with target or interaction with text ui. You have to activate or deactivate one of them, if 2 options are deactivated you will not be able to access the clothing stores, if 2 options are active one of them will work.

Config.Interaction = {
    TextUI = {
        Enable = false,
        Show = function(label)
            exports["qb-core"]:DrawText(label, "left")
        Hide = function()
    Target = {
        Enable = true,
        Icon = "fa-solid fa-shirt"

Allowed Character Models

Only the character models in this table can access shops such as clothing stores, barbershops, tattoo shops, etc.

Config.AllowedModels = {"mp_m_freemode_01", "mp_f_freemode_01"},

Default Clothing Variation Numbers

This table defines which clothing/accessory variation is considered empty or set as default for each gender in specific clothing categories.

  • If a category has a value of -1, it means that no clothing is selected by default (empty).

  • Other values indicate the default assigned clothing variation for that category.

For example:

  • Hat, Masks, Glasses, and Bag are set to -1 for both male and female characters, meaning they are empty by default.

  • Jacket (15), Shoes (34), and Pants (14) have predefined default clothing items.

  • Hairs (0) means that both male and female characters start with the first hair model as default.

Note: These numbers may vary for players using custom clothing packs.

Config.DefaultClothingVaritaions = {
    ["Hat"] = {
        ["male"] = -1,
        ["female"] = -1
    ["Masks"] = {
        ["male"] = -1,
        ["female"] = -1
    ["Glasses"] = {
        ["male"] = -1,
        ["female"] = -1
    ["Jacket"] = {
        ["male"] = 15,
        ["female"] = 15
    ["Bag"] = {
        ["male"] = -1,
        ["female"] = -1
    ["Hairs"] = {
        ["male"] = 0,
        ["female"] = 0
    ["Shoes"] = {
        ["male"] = 34,
        ["female"] = 34
    ["Pants"] = {
        ["male"] = 14,
        ["female"] = 14

Clothing Pricing

This table defines the default prices for clothing and accessory categories, as well as custom pricing for specific items based on their ID.

How Does It Work?

  • Default: Represents the standard price for each clothing or accessory category. If no custom price is set, the system applies this price.

  • Customs: Allows defining specific prices for certain clothing items based on their ID. If an item’s ID is listed here, the custom price is applied instead of the default price.


  • The Jacket category has a default price of 150.

  • However, if a jacket with ID 255 or 230 is selected, the price will be 500 instead.

How to Add Custom Prices to Other Categories?

To add custom pricing for other clothing or accessory categories, simply include a "Customs" table inside the desired category and define specific item IDs with their respective prices.

Example - Adding Custom Prices to Shoes:

["Shoes"] = {
    Default = 135,
    Customs = {
        [50] = 300, -- Shoe with ID 50 will cost 300
        [75] = 400  -- Shoe with ID 75 will cost 400

In this case:

  • If a shoe with ID 50 or 75 is selected, its price will be 300 or 400, respectively.

  • If any other shoe is selected, the Default price of 135 will be used.

Config.ClothPrices = {
    ["Jacket"] = {
        Default = 150,
        Customs = {
            [255] = 500,
            [230] = 500
    ["Hat"] = {
        Default = 75
    ["Hairs"] = {
        Default = 95
    ["FacialHairs"] = {
        Default = 95
    ["ChestHair"] = {
        Default = 95
    ["Makeup"] = {
        Default = 75
    ["Blush"] = {
        Default = 75
    ["Lipstick"] = {
        Default = 75
    ["Eyebrows"] = {
        Default = 75
    ["Pants"] = {
        Default = 130
    ["Masks"] = {
        Default = 90
    ["Earrings"] = {
        Default = 50
    ["Glasses"] = {
        Default = 65
    ["Decals"] = {
        Default = 45
    ["Undershirt"] = {
        Default = 140
    ["Watches"] = {
        Default = 100
    ["Bags"] = {
        Default = 90
    ["Scarfs/Necklaces"] = { -- Scarfs & Necklaces
        Default = 80
    ["Arms/Gloves"] = { -- Arms & Gloves
        Default = 70
    ["Shoes"] = {
        Default = 135
    ["Bracelets"] = {
        Default = 80
    ["Vest"] = {
        Default = 160

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