Bleeding Adjustment

Bleeding Adjustment Instructions

Bleeding adjustment

Bleeding setting allows you to set the bleeding feature available in the script.

Adjust this setting to activate or deactivate bleeding.

Config.EnableBleeding = true -- if true will enable bleeding

Config.BleedingPerMillisecond This setting determines how many times every second Config.BleedingHitDamage will damage the player

Also Config.BleedingMultiplier is a multiplier setting that determines how many x damage you will take

Config.BleedingHitDamage = 1 -- how many times player can bleed 

Config.BleedingPerMillisecond = 2500 -- how many seconds player will bleed

Config.BleedingMultiplier = 1 -- how many times player will bleed

When you activate this setting, the player will take damage but will continue to regenerate health. With a balanced setting, you can never get the player killed even if they take damage.

Config.DisableSetPlayerHealthRecharge = false -- if true will disable recharge player health

Self-healing feature This feature allows the player to cure their own bleeding for a certain period of time. Stops bleeding. When you use this item, the player will stop bleeding for a certain number of seconds in Config.StopBleedingTime. However, if the player takes damage, the player will need to use this item again to treat the wounds.

Config.ItemSelfTreatment = "bandageg" -- item name for self treatment

Config.StopBleedingTime = 1 -- minutes

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