Exports And Configure

Export Functions And Configurations

Exports All Dispatch List

You can pull and use the entire dispatch list this way. You can use it on both client and server.

local DispatchList = exports["kibra-dispatch"]:DispatchAlerts()

-- The table structure is as follows:
local TableExports = {
    [1] = {
        address = 'Vinewood',
        gender = 'Male',
        code = '10-31',
        type = 'shooting',
        weapon = 'Pistol',
        coords = vec3(115.566, 677.155, 30.1),
        eventVehicleData = {
            vehicleClassName = 'Sports',
            vehicleColorName = 'Metal Black',
            vehiclePlate = '77FKAA'
        responders = {"Alex Hirsch", "Kenan Birkan"}, -- Alert Responders
        witnesses = 10 -- Witnesses

Custom Alert

Creating a custom notification is as follows:

RegisterCommand('customalert', function()
    -- First Parameter: Alert Label
    -- Second Parameter: Alert Code Type
    -- Third Parameter: Alert Container Icon // You can search on: https://fontawesome.com/icons
    exports["kibra-dispatch"]:SendAlert("Vehicle Theft", "10-60", "fa-vehicle")

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