🛠️Custom App

Detailed section for Adding Custom Application.

After installation, you need to make an edit similar to the template below in ui/config.js to add the application to the phone.

          id: 10, // (required)
          order: 10, // (required)
          AppName: "Test App", // (required)
          open: "nui://examplecustomapp/index.html", // App Open Name (appname or iframe name) (not required)
          MenuBtnColor: "white", // Menu Button Color (white/black). Default: "white" (It is recommended not to make changes.)
          Descp: "Sounds Good.", // Appstore Description (required)
          Size: 566231040, // App Size (Bytes) (required)
          IsVertical: true, // Is Vertical (true/false) (required)
          Type: "AppsPage", // Appstore Page Type (GamesPage, AppsPage, ArcadePage) (required)
          Version: "1.0.0", // App Version (String). Default: "1.0.0" if use "0" Disable Download App. (required)
          AppIcon: "https://appicon.com/appicon.png",  // (required)
          StoreInfo: { // Appstore Info (required)
            Price: null, // App Price (Int). Default: null if use null Disable Purchase.
            Catagory: "Test Applications", // App Catagory (String)
            Age: 12, // App Age (Int)
            RatingData: { // App Rating Data
              Rating: 3.7, // App Rating (Float) (Max: 5.0)
              RatingCount: 1.2 // App Rating Count (Float)
            ChartInfo: { // App Chart Info 
              Num: 12 // App Chart Number (Int)
            Screenshots: [ // App Screenshots (Array)
              // ...

You can add it by making edits on the draft.

Pay attention to the 'id' and 'order' sections. Make sure they are not the same as another application.

If you want to add a default pre-installed application, use the following draft.

          id: 1, // App ID (required)
          order: 1, // App Order Number (required)
          AppName: "Test App",  // App Name (required)
          AppIcon: "https://appicon.com/appicon.png", // App Icon (required)
          Whitelist: true, // Whitelisted App (Can't be deleted) (not required)
          open: "nui://examplecustomapp/index.html", // App Open Name (appname or iframe name) (not required)
          MenuBtnColor: "white" // Menu Button Color (white/black). Default: "white" (It is recommended not to make changes.)

If you don't fill in the 'open' variable, the application will be downloaded but not opened.

If you set the 'version' variable to 0, the application will not be downloaded.

So what are the available functions.

These are the functions used for the UI Part!


Type: (Function)

Parameters: @src, @type, @name, @time, @size

  • @src (string) - Photo Image / Video Source

  • @type (string) - Photo Type (Photo / Video)

  • @name (string) - Photo Name / Video Name

  • @time (string) - Photo Time / Video Time

  • @size (string) - Photo Size / Video Size

This Function allows you to display photos on the Gallery.


Type: (Function)

Parameters: @text

  • @text(string) - Text To Copy

This Function allows you to copy a specific text.


Type: (Function)

This Function allows you to lock the Phone.


Type: (Function)

Parameters: @name, @number

  • @name(string) - Contact Name (Optional)

  • @number(string) - Contact Number

This Function allows you to view a Contact in the contacts or add it to the contacts if it is not attached in the contacts.


Type: (Function)

Parameters: @number, @msgid

  • @number(int) - Contact Number

  • @msgid(int) - Message ID (Optional)

This Function Opens your messages with a Person or creates a new message.


Type: (Function)

Parameters: @postid

  • @postid(string) - Post ID

This Function allows you to view the Twitter Post.


Type: (Function)

Parameters: @bytes, @pretty

  • @byte(int) - Bytes

  • @pretty(boolean) - Pretty Format (ex. 10 MB / 3 GB) (optional)

This Function allows you to format the Byte type


Type: (Function)

Parameters: @amount, @forcereturnhomescreen

  • @amount(int) - Amount

  • @forcereturnhomescreen(boolean) - Force Return Home Screen (optional)

This Function allows you to pay with WalletPay.

Note: This function uses promise api.


Type: (Function)

Parameters: @src, @show

  • @src(string) - Image Source

  • @show(boolean) - Show / Hide

This function allows you to view Photos in a large format.


Type: (Function)

Parameters: @appname

  • @appname(string) - App Name

This function allows you to open a Different Application.


Type: (Function)

Parameters: @title, @descp, @placeholder, @callback, @enableInput, @canceltext, @savetext, @showsavebtn

  • @title(string) - Modal Title

  • @descp(string) - Modal Description

  • @placeholder(string) - Modal Placeholder

  • @callback(function) - Modal Callback (Parameter: Input Value)

  • @enableInput(boolean) - Enable Input

  • @canceltext(string) - Cancel Button Text

  • @savetext(string) - Save Button Text

  • @showsavebtn(boolean) - Show Save Button

This function allows you to Create Modals.


Type: (Function)

Parameters: @color

  • @color(string) - Color (Hex)

This function allows you to change the case color of the phone.


Type: (Function)

Parameters: @ishorizontal

  • @ishorizontal(boolean) - Is Horizontal Phone

This function allows you to rotate the Phone.


Type: (Function)

Return: Config File Object


Type: (Function)

Return: Languages Array

These are the functions used for the Lua Part!


Type: (Event)

Side: (Client)

Parameters: App, Title, Content, Timeout, Image

  • App (string) - App Name

  • Title (string) - Notify Title

  • Content (string) - Notify Content

  • Timeout (int) - Notify Display Time

  • Image (string) - Notify Image

An event that you can use to send notifications to the phone


Type: (Event)

Side: (Client)

Parameters: Data

  • Data (table) - SMS Data

Data = {
    Sender = "Bank",
    MessageID = 997468748641385,
    Message = "Thank you for joining our bank."

It is used to send SMS to the phone.


Type: (Event)

Side: (Server)

Parameters: CardID, Amount, CitizenID, Author

  • CardID (string) - CardID or 'main' for cash account

  • Amount (int) - Amount

  • CitizenID (string) - CitizenID

  • Author (string) - Author For Transactions

An event that you can use to add money to a player's wallet card


Type: (Event)

Side: (Server)

Parameters: CardID, Amount, CitizenID, Author

  • CardID (string) - CardID or 'main' for cash account

  • Amount (int) - Amount

  • CitizenID (string) - CitizenID

  • Author (string) - Author For Transactions

An event that you can use to remove money to a player's wallet card

Last updated