Mobile Hotdog
You can find all the necessary information and developer content for Mobile hotdog here
Make sure to add the necessary items, item images and job names required for the job
["name"]: It is the label that will appear in menus or notifications.
The [‘menu’] variable consists of things related to the location from which the job is to be retrieved
["job_menu"]: @vector3 Accepts. The menu access location of the job.
["interaction_distance"]: @float Accepts. The player distance controlled to access the menu.
["reward"]: @number Between $4 and $13. You can enter the price you want.
["randomPedTime"]: @number It is a variable of how many seconds the customer NPCs will spawn. You can only write in the number.
🪜Stand / Prop / Attach / Animations
Prop settings for the hotdog stand.
["model"]: @string It is the model of the prop. You can examine the models from PlebMaster
[spawn_coords"]: @vector4 Where the Stand will spawn.
["attach_settings"]: The settings for attaching the model to the user.
["bone"]: @number Select the appropriate one of the bonnets that the characters have. You can see the bones and their names in AltV - Ped Bones
["coords"]: @vector3 It is the offset to be added to the 0.0 position of the character.
["rotation"]: @vector3 The location, direction and heading settings of the model when attaching it to the character.
["animName"]: @string Animation name.
["animDict"]: @string Animation directory name.
🔖NPC Request items
It is a list of items that NPCs will request from the hotdog vendor.
["label"]: Name of the item to be requested from the player.
["animName"]: @string Animation name.
["animDict"]: @string Animation directory name.
["progresstime"]: @number Item preparation and delivery time to the NPC.
["prop"]: Prop will appear on the NPC.
["bone"]: @number Select the appropriate one of the bonnets that the characters have. You can see the bones and their names in AltV - Ped Bones
["coords"]: @vector3 It is the offset to be added to the 0.0 position of the character.
["rotation"]: @vector3 The location, direction and heading settings of the model when attaching it to the character.
["model"]: @string You can enter the vehicle model here. Be careful to enter a valid vehicle.
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