You can get help here for the "Badge" settings that appear when the camera is used
For all of these operations, your Config.lua file must be open and you must be looking at the Config.BadgeSettings table
How can i change badge size?
Change the value of the variable ["scale"] for size. Min: 0.1 Max: 1.0 @float
How can i change badge position?
To relocate ["position"], just give it the value "left" or "right" as a string. @string
How do I change the badge colors, text and photo?
These contents vary from job to job and can be changed.
These variables are located in your job table in Config.Jobs
Config.Jobs = {
["ambulance"] = {
["watch"] = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
["text"] = "~[E]~ Access the camera menu",
["distance"] = 3.0,
["useTarget"] = false, -- If you set this option to true, the coords, text and distance variables will be valid for target
["uiSettings"] = {
["color"] = "#FF2F2F", -- Color of the main color theme of the menu (base on a lighter or pastel shade of the selected color)
["title"] = "Emergy Department", -- Menu title above the categories in the right browser
["subtitle"] = "Watch the cams", -- Subtitle on the right side
["videoUpload"] = {
["webhook"] = "",
["fivemanage"] = false, --
["fivemanage_token"] = "", --
}, -- api or webhook to forward when recordings are stopped
["backgroundColor"] = "#1D100E", -- Background color of the menu (based on a more muted shade of the selected color)
["badgeSettings"] = {
["image"] = "ems-badge", -- the photo that will appear on the back when the camera is turned on
["darkerColor"] = "#280000", -- the color of the badge that will appear on the back when the camera is turned on
["lighterColor"] = "#FF2F2F", -- the color of the badge that will appear on the back when the camera is turned on
["departmentName"] = "los santos emergency department" -- the name of the department that will appear on the back when the camera is turned on