🗺️Badge Things

You can get help here for the "Badge" settings that appear when the camera is used

How can i change badge size?

  • Change the value of the variable ["scale"] for size. Min: 0.1 Max: 1.0 @float

How can i change badge position?

  • To relocate ["position"], just give it the value "left" or "right" as a string. @string

How do I change the badge colors, text and photo?

These contents vary from job to job and can be changed.

These variables are located in your job table in Config.Jobs

Config.Jobs = {
    ["ambulance"] = {
        ["watch"] = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
        ["text"] = "~[E]~ Access the camera menu",
        ["distance"] = 3.0,
        ["useTarget"] = false, -- If you set this option to true, the coords, text and distance variables will be valid for target
        ["uiSettings"] = {
            ["color"] = "#FF2F2F", -- Color of the main color theme of the menu (base on a lighter or pastel shade of the selected color)
            ["title"] = "Emergy Department", -- Menu title above the categories in the right browser
            ["subtitle"] = "Watch the cams", -- Subtitle on the right side
            ["videoUpload"] = {
                ["webhook"] = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                ["fivemanage"] = false, -- https://www.fivemanage.com
                ["fivemanage_token"] = "", -- https://www.fivemanage.com
            }, -- api or webhook to forward when recordings are stopped 
            ["backgroundColor"] = "#1D100E", -- Background color of the menu (based on a more muted shade of the selected color)
            ["badgeSettings"] = {
                ["image"] = "ems-badge", -- the photo that will appear on the back when the camera is turned on
                ["darkerColor"] = "#280000", --  the color of the badge that will appear on the back when the camera is turned on
                ["lighterColor"] = "#FF2F2F", --  the color of the badge that will appear on the back when the camera is turned on
                ["departmentName"] = "los santos emergency department" -- the name of the department that will appear on the back when the camera is turned on

Last updated