All necessary settings are available in the config. But you still need to know React to make changes.
You can check all the files under the ui/dev/ folder and make any changes you want. The file where the data is located and processed is ui/dev/src/providers/DataProvider.tsx.
After making your changes you need to get a build. Follow this path to get a build.
You must have NodeJS installed on your system. After
Click on the ui/dev folder with SHIFT+RIGHT CLICK and click Open the Powershell window here. Then type the commands in order.
npm install
npm run build
You can then use the recreated ui/build folder. Your changes will be committed.
Note: You only need to run npm install once. After that you can only use the npm run build command.
Configuration File (config.lua)
--[[ All settings of the script are found and edited in this file. ]]
Config = {}
You can edit the default settings for Hud like this.
I tried to choose the variable names as meaningful as possible.
Config.DefaultHudSettings = {
bar_style = 'hexagon-w',
--[[ Places all bar types in a new order. ]]
is_res_style_active = true,
vehicle_hud_style = 4,
-- If `editableByPlayers` value is `false` players cannot change the `onlyInVehicle` value.
mini_map = { onlyInVehicle = true, style = 'rectangle', editableByPlayers = true },
-- If `editableByPlayers` value is `false` players cannot change the `onlyInVehicle` value.
compass = { active = true, onlyInVehicle = true, editableByPlayers = true },
cinematic = { active = true },
-- kmH 'true' or 'false' | false is MPH
vehicle_info = { kmH = true },
- It is located in the upper right corner.
- It lists data such as date, server name, money, etc.
client_info = {
active = true,
server_info = {
active = true,
-- Server name
name = '0Resmon',
-- Server Logo | path: ui/build/images/server_images/<file>
image = 'index.png',
-- Show online players on client_info
showOnlinePlayers = true,
bank = { active = true },
cash = { active = true },
job = { active = true },
player_source = { active = true },
radio = { active = true },
time = { active = true },
weapon = { active = true },
real_time = { active = true },
extra_currency = { active = false },
music_info = {
-- Listening to music feature true/false
active = true,
- Located above the map.
- Shows current location, music information or time.
navigation_widget = { active = true },
-- Bar colors set by default.
bar_colors = {
armor = '#1D4ED8',
health = '#CF4E5B',
hunger = '#FFC400',
oxygen = '#00FFA3',
stamina = '#C4FF48',
stress = '#6b21a8',
thirst = '#00c2ff',
vehicle_engine = '#C4FF48',
voice = '#FFFFFF',
vehicle_nitro = '#cf654e',
--Shortcut key to open hud settings menu
Config.OpenSettingsKeybind = 'F10'
-- Commands
Config.Commands = {
HudSettings = 'hudsettings' -- Open hud settings panel
--If money is an item on your server, you need to edit this.
Config.MoneySettings = {
isMoneyItem = false,
itemName = 'cash',
-- You can put one more currency if you want it to appear on the `client_info`.
-- to hide it or set active to `false`
extra_currency = {
type = 'item', --[[@type 'item' | 'account']]
name = 'black_money', --[[@type string | nil]] -- account or item name
-- Configures for seat-belt system.
Config.SeatBelt = {
active = true,
key = 'B',
--What should be the minimum vehicle speed for eject:
-- This value is set according to kmH being `true`. If you are using kmH `false`, you can write it as `MPH`.
ejectSpeed = 160,
-- If true, you will receive a warning if you are not wearing your seat belt.
warning = true,
-- Shortcut key to turn the vehicle engine on and off
Config.ToggleVehicleEngine = {
active = true,
key = 'G',
--If you want to hide GTA components, you need to enable this.
Config.HideGTAHudComponents = false
--Works with `HideGTAHudComponents` Components. | Can be used to fix the map if it is broken.
Config.HavePostalMap = false
--Defines the refresh thread timecycle for data that need to be updated periodically. Milliseconds
Config.RefreshTimes = {
hud = 200,
vehicle = 100,
requestPlayerCount = 30 * 1000 -- 30 seconds
-- Colors available by default.
-- I advise you to set 20.
Config.BarColors = {
'#CF4E5B', '#CF4E75', '#CF4EAB', '#A888DE', '#6b21a8', '#7FCF4E', '#C4FF48', '#FFC400', '#FF9900', '#CF654E',
'#1d4ed8', '#00C2FF', '#4EB0CF', '#4ECFA1', '#00FFA3', '#A68A7B', '#FFFFFF', '#7A7A7A', '#4B4B4B', '#00000057'
--A list of electric vehicles available in the game.
Config.ElectricVehicles = {
-- Weapons with their names mapped to their respective hashes
Config.Weapons = {
[GetHashKey('weapon_unarmed')] = 'Fists',
[GetHashKey('weapon_dagger')] = 'Dagger',
[GetHashKey('weapon_bat')] = 'Bat',