
0R Vipsystem Configurations


If you want them to access your tebex from the in-game menu, you have to get this right

Config.TebexLink = ""

Purchase time

You can set the number of days players can own a car they buy here

Config.Day = 30 

How is the system connected to tebex?

  • Step 1 Login to Tebex

  • Step 2 Click Game Servers

  • Step 3 Click Add Command

  • Step 4 Write them in the places you see in the picture and press the update button. That's it. buypack {"tid": "{transaction}", "mail": "{email}", "pname": "{packageName}", "price": "{price}"}

  • Step 5 After purchasing, such a code will appear on the screen. tbx-4235671352a39516-02b362. He will write this code in the menu in the game after an average of 10 minutes and get his coin.

Premium Member Discount System

  • As you know, if you become a premium member, you can make discounts wherever you want.

  • For example, I want premium members to get a discount when buying gas, let's do that.

Let's say you have such a money wipe command for a gas station.

RegisterNetEvent("frkn-fuelstation:server:PayForFuel", function(amount)
    local src = source
    if not src then return end
    local player = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(src)
    if not player then return end

All you have to do is delete the player.removeMoney(amount) part and add TriggerServerEvent('frkn-vipsystemv3:percent',amount). so it should look like below

RegisterNetEvent("frkn-fuelstation:server:PayForFuel", function(amount)
    local src = source
    if not src then return end
    local player = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(src)
    if not player then return end
The amount written here may vary depending on your code. If you can't, you can contact me at the addresses at the bottom of the page.


If there is a problem or you want to ask a question Discord: Furkann#4645 or [Discord 0RESMON](

Last updated