
0R Apartment Configurations

Custom Stash

If you use an inventory other than ox, qbcore,, you can integrate the Stash Opening function suitable for your own inventory into this function.

function Utils.Functions.CustomInventory.OpenInventory(type, id, options)
    type = type or "stash"
    local maxWeight = options.maxWeight
    local slots = options.slots
    -- #

function Utils.Functions.CustomInventory.RegisterStash(stashId, options)
    local maxWeight = Config.InteriorHotelRoom.stash.maxWeight
    local slots = Config.InteriorHotelRoom.stash.slots
    local coords = Config.InteriorHotelRoom.coords.stash
    -- #

Custom Wardrobe Setting

You can use your own clothing system by integrating it into this function. Below is an example. No settings are required for qb or esx default scripts.

-- Cloth menu event name for room wardrobe
Config.ClothMenuEventName         = nil

Config File

--[[ Configuration settings ]]
Config                            = {}
---Locale setting for language localization.
Config.Locale                     = "en"

---@type EventName | nil -- Cloth menu event name for room wardrobe
Config.ClothMenuEventName         = nil
-- Can the rooms be entered without permission?
Config.UnauthorizedEntryIntoRooms = {
    --[[ Please Check client/utils:Utils.Functions.LockPickGame() ]]
    active = false,
    item = "lockpick",
    canUseStash = false,
--[[ The maximum number of rooms a player can get in an apartment ]]
Config.MaxRoomLimitPerPlayer = 1
--[[ max guest that can be added to the room ]]
Config.MaxGuestCanBeAddedToRoom = 5
--[[ Apartment Start | Not Support Mlo Apart ! ]]
Config.ApartmentStarting = true
--[[ Rooms can be purchased or just rented. ]]
Config.CanRoomsBePurchased = true
--[[ No Elevator Feature]]
Config.NoElevator = false
--[[ MetaKeys ]]
Config.MetaKeys = true
--[[ If qb-inventory is used and the version is higher than 2.0.0 then enable this setting, otherwise leave it disabled ]]
Config.NewInventoryQB = true

--[[ If you are using a starter apartment and there is no room available, it will start here. ]]
Config.NewPlayerStartCoords = vec3(0, 0, 0)

--[[ If you are using liberty city make this true. ]]
Config.LibertyCity = false

Config.OpenMenuWithTablet = {
    active = true,
    itemName = 'tablet',

--[[ Apartment Configs ]]

--[[ Commands ]]
Config.Commands = {
    -- [[ To Open the panel. ]]
    openPanel = "apartment", -- or nil
    --[[ Extend the rental in your current room. ]]
    extendRental = "extendrental",

--[[ Indicators ]]
Config.Indicators = {
    electricity = {
        unitPrice = 5, -- [[ Unit price at the time of purchase ]]
        maxValue = 1000 --[[ Max value that can be stored ]]
    power = {
        unitPrice = 5,
        maxValue = 1000
    gas = {
        unitPrice = 5,
        maxValue = 1000
    water = {
        unitPrice = 5,
        maxValue = 1000

--[[ InteriorHotelRoom ]]
Config.InteriorHotelCorridor = {
    ---@type "target" | "textui"
    interactionType = "textui",
    coords = {
        mainDoor = vec4(-425.4557, -831.4573, -169.4836, 163.6333),
        cameras = {
            [1] = vec4(-429.8342, -834.6968, -166.8, 287.3452),
            [2] = vec4(-416.0023, -804.9767, -162.5, 160.3329),
            [3] = vec4(-428.0974, -838.8970, -163.2, 336.4007),
            [4] = vec4(-416.0247, -805.0617, -154.2, 159.3935),
            [5] = vec4(-428.4543, -838.7031, -154.3, 307.3857),
            [6] = vec4(-416.0092, -804.9615, -153.7, 159.2749),
            [7] = vec4(-428.2982, -838.8560, -153.5, 334.6291),

--[[ InteriorHotelRoom ]]
Config.InteriorHotelRoom = {
    dynamicLightsEnteringRoom = false,
    coords = {
        door = vec3(-361.2132, -846.3577, -163.8098),
        enter = vec4(-361.239563, -844.298889, -164.8, 0.000000),

--[[ !!! Don"t change coords !!! ]]
Config.Elevator = {
    coords = {
        stops = {
            [0] = vec3(-422.0714, -834.5255, -169.210),
            [1] = vec3(-422.0714, -834.5255, -164.39),
            [2] = vec3(-422.0714, -834.5255, -159.585),
            [3] = vec3(-422.0714, -834.5255, -155.67)
        doors = {
            [0] = {
                left = vec3(-423.094, -833.318, -170.543),
                right = vec3(-423.622, -834.782, -170.543),
            [1] = {
                left = vec3(-423.666, -834.755, -165.661),
                right = vec3(-423.146, -833.306, -165.661),
            [2] = {
                left = vec3(-423.146, -833.308, -160.862),
                right = vec3(-423.666, -834.753, -160.862),
            [3] = {
                left = vec3(-423.146, -833.308, -157.018),
                right = vec3(-423.666, -834.753, -157.018),
    door_model = -1240156945

--[[ CCTV ]]
Config.CCTV = {
    Enabled = true,
    FOV = 80.0,
    MaxZoom = 30,
    MinZoom = 100,
    RotateSpeed = 0.3,
    Controls = {
        Left = 34,    -- lEFT Arrow
        Right = 35,   -- RIGHT Arrow
        ZoomIn = 96,  -- UP Arrow
        ZoomOut = 97, -- DOWN Arrow
        Exit = 194,   -- BACKSPACE

--[[ Furniture-based stash ]]
Config.StashOptions = {
    active = true,
    slots = 10,
    maxWeight = 1000000,
    max_stash_count = 10,

--[[ Furniture-based wardrobe ]]
Config.WardrobeOptions = {
    active = true,

--[[ Apartments ]]
Config.Apartments = {
    [1] = {
        label = "Shelly Apart",
        tint = 55,
        coords = { enter = vec4(278.6257, -1118.3618, 29.4197, 179.6273) },
        blip = {
            active = true,
            title = "Shelly Apart #1",
            sprite = 476,
            color = 2,
            scale = 0.8,
            coords = vec3(278.202209, -1124.268188, 29.380981)
    [2] = {
        label = "Richman Apart",
        tint = 41,
        coords = { enter = vec4(-1383.5750, 267.0441, 61.2388, 283.2544) },
        blip = {
            active = true,
            title = "Richman Apart #2",
            sprite = 476,
            color = 2,
            scale = 0.8,
    [3] = {
        label = "Vespucci Apart",
        tint = 24,
        coords = { enter = vec4(-1237.5055, -859.0568, 13.1062, 215.8765) },
        blip = {
            active = true,
            title = "Vespucci Apart #3",
            sprite = 476,
            color = 2,
            scale = 0.8,

--[[ Rooms ]]
--[[ !!! Don"t change coords !!! ]]
Config.Rooms = {
    [1] = {
        label = "St. Sharen, 1/1",
        price = 10000,
        daily_price = 500,
        floor = 1,
        room_id = 1,
        coords = { door = vec4(-422.45, -827.43, -164.60, 70.85) },
    [2] = {
        label = "St. Sharen, 1/2",
        price = 10000,
        daily_price = 500,
        floor = 1,
        room_id = 2,
        coords = { door = vec4(-420.7456, -822.9159, -164.60, 70.85) },
    [3] = {
        label = "St. Sharen, 1/3",
        price = 10000,
        daily_price = 500,
        floor = 1,
        room_id = 3,
        coords = { door = vec4(-419.15, -818.5, -164.60, 70.85) },

Config.InteriorMloApart = {
    active = true,
    label = "Kiiya Apart",
    lobby = {
        reception = vec3(-600.9936, 48.0622, 43.5314),
        door_coords = vec3(-595.4494, 24.9822, 43.2989),
        poly = {
            vec3(-606.2514, 38.6246, 43.6),
            vec3(-585.3315, 38.6610, 43.6),
            vec3(-585.7071, 51.4314, 43.6),
            vec3(-606.6401, 52.2651, 43.6),
    cameras = {
        [1] = vec4(-604.487, 48.261, 46.669, -123.0),
        [2] = vec4(-575.141, 53.899, 67.924, 92.0),
        [3] = vec4(-575.141, 53.899, 78.3, 92.0),
        [4] = vec4(-575.141, 53.899, 99.0, 92.0),
        [5] = vec4(-575.141, 53.899, 109.25, 92.0),

Config.MloRooms = {
    [1] = {
        label = "Kiiya, 101",
        price = 10000,
        daily_price = 500,
        floor = 1,
        room_id = 1,
        door = {
            model = 1759602825,
            coords = vec3(-586.80, 50.66, 56.25),
            yaw = 0.0,
        poly = {
            vec3(-589.0, 38.5, 57.11),
            vec3(-578.0, 38.5, 57.11),
            vec3(-578.0, 50.6, 57.11),
            vec3(-589.0, 50.6, 57.11),
    [2] = {
        label = "Kiiya, 102",
        price = 10000,
        daily_price = 500,
        floor = 1,
        room_id = 2,
        door = {
            model = 1759602825,
            coords = vec3(-591.56, 56.54, 56.25),
            yaw = 180.0,
        poly = {
            vec3(-589.35, 56.5, 57.11),
            vec3(-600.35, 56.5, 57.11),
            vec3(-600.35, 68.7, 57.11),
            vec3(-589.35, 68.7, 57.11),

--[[ Wall Colors ]]
Config.WallColors = {
    { id = 1,  color = "#FFDB28" },
    { id = 2,  color = "#FF6F00" },
    { id = 3,  color = "#BF1F19" },

--[[ Furniture Items ]]
Config.FurnitureItems = {
    ["stashes"] = {
        label = "Stashes",
        items = {
            [1] = { model = "v_res_tre_storagebox", price = 2500, label = "Storage Box" },
            [2] = { model = "prop_devin_box_closed", price = 2500, label = "Devin Box" },
            [3] = { model = "prop_mil_crate_01", price = 2500, label = "Mil Crate 1" },
            [4] = { model = "prop_mil_crate_02", price = 2500, label = "Mil Crate 2" },
            [5] = { model = "prop_box_wood05a", price = 2500, label = "Box Wood 5" },
            [6] = { model = "prop_drop_crate_01", price = 2500, label = "Drop Crate 1" },
            [7] = { model = "prop_box_wood02a_pu", price = 2500, label = "Box wood 2 Pu" },
            [8] = { model = "prop_box_wood04a", price = 2500, label = "Box wood 4" },
            [9] = { model = "prop_crate_07a", price = 2500, label = "Crate 7" },
            [10] = { model = "prop_mb_crate_01a", price = 2500, label = "Crate 1" },
    ["wardrobe"] = {
        label = "Cloth Wardrobe",
        items = {
            [1] = { model = "v_res_tre_wardrobe", price = 2500, label = "V Wardrobe" },
    ["weed_planter"] = {
        label = "Weed Planter",
        items = {
            { model = "qua_weed_planter",       price = 2000, label = "Weed Planter" },
            { model = "qua_weed_planter_basic", price = 1000, label = "Weed Planter Basic" },
    ["weed_dryer"] = {
        label = "Weed Dryer",
        items = {
            { model = "qua_weed_dryer", price = 1000, label = "Weed Dryer" },
    ["weed_heather"] = {
        label = "Weed Heather",
        items = {
            { model = "qua_weed_heather",     price = 1000, label = "Weed Heather #1" },
            { model = "prop_elec_heater_01",  price = 1000, label = "Weed Heather #2" },
            { model = "prop_patio_heater_01", price = 1000, label = "Weed Heather #3" },
    ["weed_light"] = {
        label = "Weed Light",
        items = {
            { model = "prop_wall_light_05a",              price = 1000, label = "Wall Light" },
            { model = "ch_prop_ch_lamp_ceiling_w_01a",    price = 1000, label = "Lamp Ceiling" },
            { model = "h4_prop_x17_sub_lampa_small_blue", price = 1000, label = "Lamp Small Blue" },
    ["weed_fans"] = {
        label = "Weed Fans",
        items = {
            { model = "prop_fan_01",       price = 1000, label = "Fan 01" },
            { model = "v_res_fa_fan",      price = 1000, label = "Fa Fan" },
            { model = "prop_wall_vent_02", price = 1000, label = "Fan Went" },
    ["weed_table"] = {
        label = "Weed Table",
        items = {
            { model = "bkr_prop_weed_table_01a", price = 1000, label = "Table" },

Last updated