
0R Apartment Configurations

Custom Stash

If you use an inventory other than ox, qbcore,, you can integrate the Stash Opening function suitable for your own inventory into this function.

function Utils.Functions.CustomInventory.OpenInventory(type, id, options)
    type = type or "stash"
    local maxWeight = options.maxWeight
    local slots = options.slots
    -- #

function Utils.Functions.CustomInventory.RegisterStash(stashId, options)
    local maxWeight = Config.InteriorHotelRoom.stash.maxWeight
    local slots = Config.InteriorHotelRoom.stash.slots
    local coords = Config.InteriorHotelRoom.coords.stash
    -- #

Custom Wardrobe Setting

You can use your own clothing system by integrating it into this function. Below is an example. No settings are required for qb or esx default scripts.

-- Cloth menu event name for room wardrobe
Config.ClothMenuEventName         = nil

Config File

--[[ Configuration settings ]]
Config                            = {}
---Locale setting for language localization.
Config.Locale                     = "en"
---@type "esx_notify" | "qb_notify" | "custom_notify" -- System to be used
Config.NotifyType                 = "esx_notify"
---@type "ox_target" | "qb_target" | "custom" -- System to be used
Config.TargetType                 = "ox_target"
---@type "ox_textui" | "qb_textui" | "drawtext" -- System to be used
Config.TextUIType                 = "ox_textui"
---@type "ox_inventory" | "qb_inventory" | "qs_inventory" | "custom" -- System to be used
Config.InventoryType              = "ox_inventory"
---@type "qb_phone" | "stache_phone" | "lb_phone" | "ls_phone" | "qs_smartphone" | "custom" -- System to be used
Config.PhoneType                  = "qb_phone"
---@type EventName | nil -- Cloth menu event name for room wardrobe
Config.ClothMenuEventName         = nil
-- Can the rooms be entered without permission?
Config.UnauthorizedEntryIntoRooms = {
    --[[ Please Check client/utils:Utils.Functions.LockPickGame() ]]
    active = true,
    item = "lockpick",
--[[ The maximum number of rooms a player can get in an apartment ]]
Config.MaxRoomLimitPerPlayer = 1
--[[ Apartment Start]]
Config.ApartmentStarting = true

--[[ Apartment Configs ]]

--[[ Commands ]]
Config.Commands = {
    -- [[ To Open the tablet. ]]
    tabletCommand = "apartment", -- or nil
    --[[ Extend the rental in your current room. ]]
    extendRental = "extendrental",

--[[ Apartments ]]
Config.Apartments = {
    [1] = {
        label = "Shelly Apart",
        tint = 55,
        coords = { enter = vec4(278.6257, -1118.3618, 29.4197, 179.6273) },
        blip = {
            active = true,
            title = "Shelly Apart #1",
            sprite = 476,
            color = 2,
            scale = 0.8,
            coords = vec3(278.202209, -1124.268188, 29.380981)

--[[ Furniture ]]
Config.Furniture = {
    Enabled = true,
    RotationSpeed = 0.4,  -- Object Rotation Speed
    MovementSpeed = 0.01, -- Object Movement Speed

    If you have 0r-delivery you can open it.
Config.HasDelivery = true
    If you have 0r-towtruck you can open it.
Config.HasTowTruck = true

--[[ InteriorHotelRoom ]]
--[[ !!! Don"t change coords !!! ]]
Config.InteriorHotelCorridor = {
    ---@type "target" | "textui"
    interactionType = "textui",
    coords = {
        mainDoor = vec4(-425.4557, -831.4573, -169.4836, 163.6333),
        cameras = {
            [1] = vec4(-429.8342, -834.6968, -166.8, 287.3452),
            [2] = vec4(-416.0023, -804.9767, -162.5, 160.3329),
            [3] = vec4(-428.0974, -838.8970, -163.2, 336.4007),
            [4] = vec4(-416.0247, -805.0617, -154.2, 159.3935),
            [5] = vec4(-428.4543, -838.7031, -154.3, 307.3857),
            [6] = vec4(-416.0092, -804.9615, -153.7, 159.2749),
            [7] = vec4(-428.2982, -838.8560, -153.5, 334.6291),

--[[ InteriorHotelRoom ]]
--[[ !!! Don"t change coords !!! ]]
Config.InteriorHotelRoom = {
    stash = {
        maxWeight = 1000000,
        slots = 50,
    coords = {
        door = vec3(-361.200012, -846.369202, -163.819092),
        enter = vec4(-361.239563, -844.298889, -164.8, 0.000000),
        stash = vec3(-365.235168, -842.452759, -163.819092),
        cloth = vec3(-364.720886, -839.973633, -163.819092),
        poly = {
            vec3(-359.854950, -846.698914, -163.819092),
            vec3(-359.854950, -838.496704, -163.819092),
            vec3(-367.619781, -838.496704, -163.819092),
            vec3(-367.619781, -846.698914, -163.819092)

--[[ !!! Don"t change coords !!! ]]
Config.Elevator = {
    coords = {
        stops = {
            [0] = vec3(-422.0714, -834.5255, -169.210),
            [1] = vec3(-422.0714, -834.5255, -164.39),
            [2] = vec3(-422.0714, -834.5255, -159.585),
            [3] = vec3(-422.0714, -834.5255, -155.67)

Config.CCTV = {
    Enabled = true,
    FOV = 80.0,
    MaxZoom = 30,
    MinZoom = 100,
    RotateSpeed = 0.3,
    Controls = {
        Left = 34,    -- lEFT Arrow
        Right = 35,   -- RIGHT Arrow
        ZoomIn = 96,  -- UP Arrow
        ZoomOut = 97, -- DOWN Arrow
        Exit = 194,   -- BACKSPACE

--[[ If you have 0r-delivery you can open it. ]]
--[[ ]]
Config.HasDelivery = true
--[[ If you have 0r-towtruck you can open it. ]]
--[[ ]]
Config.HasTowTruck = true

--[[ Rooms ]]
--[[ !!! Don"t change coords !!! ]]
Config.Rooms = {
    [1] = {
        label = "St. Sharen, 1/1",
        price = 10000,
        daily_price = 500,
        floor = 1,
        room_id = 1,
        coords = { door = vec4(-422.45, -827.43, -164.60, 70.85) },
    [2] = {
        label = "St. Sharen, 1/2",
        price = 10000,
        daily_price = 500,
        floor = 1,
        room_id = 2,
        coords = { door = vec4(-420.7456, -822.9159, -164.60, 70.85) },
    [3] = {
        label = "St. Sharen, 1/3",
        price = 10000,
        daily_price = 500,
        floor = 1,
        room_id = 3,
        coords = { door = vec4(-419.15, -818.5, -164.60, 70.85) },
    [4] = {
        label = "St. Sharen, 1/4",
        price = 10000,
        daily_price = 500,
        floor = 1,
        room_id = 4,
        coords = { door = vec4(-417.547, -813.785, -164.60, 70.85) },
    [5] = {
        label = "St. Sharen, 1/5",
        price = 10000,
        daily_price = 500,
        floor = 1,
        room_id = 5,
        coords = { door = vec4(-415.91, -809.42, -164.60, 70.85) },
    [6] = {
        label = "St. Sharen, 1/6",
        price = 10000,
        daily_price = 500,
        floor = 1,
        room_id = 6,
        coords = { door = vec4(-426.10, -828.10, -164.60, 252.300) },
    [7] = {
        label = "St. Sharen, 1/7",
        price = 10000,
        daily_price = 500,
        floor = 1,
        room_id = 7,
        coords = { door = vec4(-424.615, -823.74, -164.60, 252.300) },
    [8] = {
        label = "St. Sharen, 1/8",
        price = 10000,
        daily_price = 500,
        floor = 1,
        room_id = 8,
        coords = { door = vec4(-422.90, -819.217, -164.60, 252.300) },
    [9] = {
        label = "St. Sharen, 1/9",
        price = 10000,
        daily_price = 500,
        floor = 1,
        room_id = 9,
        coords = { door = vec4(-421.30, -814.90, -164.60, 252.300) },
    [10] = {
        label = "St. Sharen, 1/10",
        price = 10000,
        daily_price = 500,
        floor = 1,
        room_id = 10,
        coords = { door = vec4(-419.617, -810.34, -164.60, 252.300) },
    [11] = {
        label = "St. Sharen, 1/11",
        price = 10000,
        daily_price = 500,
        floor = 1,
        room_id = 11,
        coords = { door = vec4(-417.982422, -805.978027, -164.60, 252.300) },
    -- ...

--[[ Wall Colors ]]
Config.WallColors = {
    { id = 1,  color = "#DDDAD7" },
    { id = 2,  color = "#666666" },
    { id = 3,  color = "#1F1F1F" },
    { id = 4,  color = "#4B3185" },
    { id = 5,  color = "#FF6F00" },
    { id = 6,  color = "#FFDB28" },
    { id = 7,  color = "#2043B7" },
    { id = 8,  color = "#BF1F19" },
    { id = 9,  color = "#265816" },
    { id = 10, color = "#2C7AB7" },
    -- ...

--[[ Furniture Items ]]
Config.Furniture.Items = {
    ["sofas"] = {
        placeOnGround = true,
        label = "Sofas",
        items = {
            { model = "miss_rub_couch_01",           price = 300,  label = "Old couch" },
            { model = "prop_fib_3b_bench",           price = 700,  label = "Threesits couch" },
            { model = "prop_ld_farm_chair01",        price = 250,  label = "Old chair" },
            -- ...
    ["chairs"] = {
        placeOnGround = true,
        label = "Chairs",
        items = {
            { model = "v_res_d_highchair",            price = 700,  label = "High chair" },
            { model = "apa_mp_h_stn_chairstrip_03",   price = 500,  label = "Sitchair 4" },
            { model = "v_res_fa_chair01",             price = 700,  label = "Chairl" },
            -- ...
    -- ...

Last updated