🔩Installation Items

Items needed for Evidence.

You should have read and done the How to set it up page before proceeding with these steps.

OX Inventory

  • You can add the items by going to ox_inventory/data/items.lua this path and opening the file

['evidence_bag'] = {
	label = 'Filled evidence bag',
	weight = 100,
	stack = false,

['empty_evidence_bag'] = {
	label = 'Empty evidence bag',
	weight = 100,
	stack = true,

['bullet_case'] = {
	label = 'Bullet casing',
	weight = 100,
	stack = false,

QB Inventory - QS Inventory

  • You can add the items by going to shared/items.lua this path and opening the file

['empty_evidence_bag'] = {
    ['name'] = 'empty_evidence_bag',
    ['label'] = 'Empty evidence bag',
    ['weight'] = 50,
    ['type'] = 'item',
    ['image'] = 'evidence.png',
    ['unique'] = false,
    ['useable'] = false,
    ['shouldClose'] = false,
    ['combinable'] = nil,
    ['description'] = 'It is necessary to collect DNA or shell casings.'
['evidence_bag'] = {
    ['name'] = 'evidence_bag',
    ['label'] = 'Evidence bag',
    ['weight'] = 100,
    ['type'] = 'item',
    ['image'] = 'evidence.png',
    ['unique'] = true,
    ['useable'] = false,
    ['shouldClose'] = false,
    ['combinable'] = nil,
    ['description'] = 'Filled evidence bag.'
['bullet_case'] = {
    ['name'] = 'bullet_case',
    ['label'] = 'Bullet Case',
    ['weight'] = 100,
    ['type'] = 'item',
    ['image'] = 'bullet_case.png',
    ['unique'] = true,
    ['useable'] = false,
    ['shouldClose'] = false,
    ['combinable'] = nil,
    ['description'] = 'Shell casing on the ground.'

ESX Items - SQL Table

INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`, `weight`) VALUES
	('bullet_case', 'Bullet Case', 20),
	('empty_evidence_bag', 'Empty evidence bag', 20)

Last updated