
You can find all the necessary information and developer content for Hunting here

Make sure to add the necessary items, item images and job names required for the job

["name"]: It is the label that will appear in menus or notifications.

[‘menu’] variable consists of things related to the location from which the job is to be retrieved

  • ["job_menu"]: @vector3 Accepts. The menu access location of the job.

  • ["interaction_distance"]: @float Accepts. The player distance controlled to access the menu.

👨‍👦‍👦Multiplayer Settings

If there are multiplayer options in the profession you use, it is an example that this profession can be done in a group, that is, in a group.

["can_multiplayer"]: @boolean Where you see this variable, you can make it true if you want to work as a group and false if you want to close group work.

["show_member_blips"]: @boolean Set true if you want to see your group mates' blips on the map and false if you don't.

🚗 Car Settings

Contains the details of the operator vehicle. You can enter spawn location and vehicle type.

  • ["model"]: @string You can enter the vehicle model here. Be careful to enter a valid vehicle.

  • ["spawnCoords"]: @vector4 Accepts. It is the position where the vehicle will emerge. The direction your character is facing is the direction the front of your vehicle will face.

🫎Hunting Zone / Animals

[index]: IMPORTANT@number This is a zone number. The maximum number of zone found should be written by adding +1. If there are no zone, it should start from 1.

  • ["zone"]: @vector3 Coordinate of the hunting area.

  • ["radius"]: @float It is the width of the hunting area. Please enter a width that does not intertwine with other areas.

  • ["spawn_timer"]: @number || @random accepts. This is the timer when animals will spawn after the player enters the area. Spawn time can be set here.

  • ["deleteAfter"}: @number Allows the animal spawned for the person in the area to be deleted after the specified minute or second if it is not dead. So that animals do not wander around the area.

  • ["hunting_animals"]: @object It is the content of huntable animals in the area. You can add or remove animals and make other settings here.

    • [index]: IMPORTANT@number This is a animal number. The maximum number of animal found should be written by adding +1. If there are no animal, it should start from 1.

    • ["addBlipAnimal"]: @boolean If you make true, a blip will be added to the spawned animal and it will appear on the map.

    • ["canAttack"]: @random || @boolean If you set true or false, the spawned animal may or may not attack the player. There is a 20% chance of attack by default.

    • ["reward"]: @number It is the fee to be collected when the animal is skinned.

    • ["model"]: @string It is an animal model. You can see the models on the Fivem - Ped Models page.

Last updated