🎛️Installation Items

For Bodycam & Dashcam v2, the following items must be added to the server!

OX Inventory

  • You can add the items by going to ox_inventory/data/items.lua this path and opening the file

['bodycam'] = {
    label = 'Body Cam',
    weight = 20,
    stack = false,
    close = true,
    description = 'A bodycam for recording',
['dashcam'] = {
    label = 'Dash Cam',
    weight = 20,
    stack = false,
    close = true,
    description = 'A dashcam for streaming',

QB Inventory - QS Inventory

  • You can add the items by going to shared/items.lua this path and opening the file

["bodycam"] = {
    name = 'bodycam',
    label = 'Body Cam',
    weight = 50,
    type = 'item',
    image = 'bodycam.png',
    unique = true,
    useable = true,
    shouldClose = true,
    combinable = nil,
    description = 'A bodycam for recording'
["dashcam"] = {
    name = 'dashcam',
    label = 'Dash Cam',
    weight = 50,
    type = 'item',
    image = 'dashcam.png',
    unique = true,
    useable = true,
    shouldClose = true,
    combinable = nil,
    description = 'A dashcam for streaming'

ESX Items - SQL Table

INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`, `weight`) VALUES
	('bodycam', 'Bodycam', 20),
	('dashcam', 'Dashcam', 20)

Item pictures

Last updated