🊁Config_items.lua settings

There are simple explanations of the settings.

Here you can set the animation of the clothing and non-clothing versions of the ped.

Config.clothingsettings = {}

With this setting you can set which weapons will appear as props behind the character (with coordinates and position)

Config.weaponback = { isenabled = true, weapons  = { ["weapon_smg"] = { model="w_sb_smg", back_bone = 24818, x = 0.0, y = -0.17, z = -0.12, x_rotation = 0.0, y_rotation = -180.0, z_rotation = 180.0, }, ["weapon_assaultrifle"] = { model="w_ar_assaultrifle", back_bone = 24818, x = 0.0, y = -0.17, z = -0.05, x_rotation = 0.0, y_rotation = -180.0, z_rotation = 180.0, }, ["weapon_carbinerifle"] = { model="w_ar_carbinerifle", back_bone = 24818, x = 0.0, y = -0.17, z = 0.08, x_rotation = 0.0, y_rotation = -180.0, z_rotation = 180.0, }, ["weapon_rpg"] = { model="w_lr_rpg", back_bone = 24818, x = 0.2, y = -0.17, z = 0.0, x_rotation = 0.0, y_rotation = 180.0, z_rotation = 180.0, }, } }

With this setting, you can enter the default decrease value of items whose durability will decrease. (if the item is set in Config.Durabilityitems, it will not use this setting)

Config.DefaultDurabilityMinus = 1

ITEM ADD EXAMPLE (Config.allitems)

Here is how you can simply add items inside the config.allitems setting.

['water']  = {
    ['name'] = 'water',   -- item name
    ['label'] = 'Bottle of Water', -- item label
    ['weight'] = 1, -- item weight(with kg) example: 0.2
    ['size_width'] = 1, -- item width size 
    ['size_height'] = 1, -- item height size
    ['itype'] = 'food', -- item type (food,weapon,other,health )
    ['image'] = 'water.png',  -- item iamge
    ['stackable'] = true, -- item stack ?
    ['stacklimit'] = 20,  -- item stack limit 
    ['useable'] = true,  --- Can the item be used?
    ['shouldClose'] = true, -- should the inventory be closed after the item is used?
    ['combinable'] = nil, -- none good
    ['description'] = 'This is food.You can drink this. Calm down, trust the plan.'

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