🗞️News Delivery

You can find all the necessary information and developer content for News Delivery here

  • ["name"]: It is the label that will appear in menus or notifications.

  • The [‘menu’] variable consists of things related to the location from which the job is to be retrieved

    • ["job_menu"]: @vector3 Accepts. The menu access location of the job.

    • ["interaction_distance"]: @float Accepts. The player distance controlled to access the menu.

  • ["delivery_reward"]: It gives a fee between $10 and $20. You can keep it fixed.

🕙Timer / Delivery Time

There is only one set timer for deliveries. You can understand it by reading the following variables.

  • ["delivery_time"]: @number Time to be entered for delivery. Minutes * 60 * 1000.

  • ["extra_time"]: @number Extra time to be added after the specified delivery time has expired. Minutes * 60 * 1000

  • ["deducted_per_min"]: @number If extra time is activated, a fee will be deducted from the reward for each ‘One’ minute spent.

🚗Delivery Car / Car Settings

Contains the details of the delivery vehicle. You can enter spawn location and vehicle type.

  • ["model"]: @string You can enter the vehicle model here. Be careful to enter a valid vehicle.

  • ["spawnCoords"]: @vector4 Accepts. It is the position where the vehicle will emerge. The direction your character is facing is the direction the front of your vehicle will face.

📍Add Delivery Location

  • ["delivery_coords"] ⇒ ["coords"]: Enter a location @vector3 here.

  • [index] = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0):

    • [index]: You should add +1 to the total number of house locations found

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