
Kibra Mechanics Configurations

Adding a New Mechanics Business

Config.Mechanics = {
        Owner = nil,
        Price = 100000,
        MechanicName = nil,
        DiscountRate = 0,
        JobName = "mechanic", -- If you are using the server's job system, enter the job name.
        VehicleSpawn = vector3(-356.51284790039,-119.94790649414,38.696281433105),
        TownTruckSpawnCoord = vector4(-366.07720947266,-111.69420623779,38.696643829346,110.70636749268),
        Customers = {},
        VehicleRepairAndCleaningLaborPrice = 1000, -- Vehicle Cleaning and Repair Fee || This is the labor price only. The price may increase depending on the damage of the vehicle.
        SalaryPerMod = 40, -- Percentage that employees will receive from their modification wages.
        Money = 0,
        Employees = {},
        CenterCoord = vector3(-339.3092956543,-137.1961517334,38.699272155762),
        BossMenuCoord = vector3(-347.41546630859,-133.4807434082,39.240417480469),
        BlipShow = true,
        Blip = {Id = 446, Scale = 1.0, Color = 2, Display = 4},
        ModifiedAreas = {
            {Coord = vector3(-338.6139831543,-137.64077758789,39.00968170166), Distance = 5.0},
            {Coord = vector3(490.57504272461,5590.2646484375,794.02239990234), Distance = 5.0}

Copy the code of the Mechanical business in the current table.

Config.Mechanics = {
        Owner = nil,
        Price = 100000,
        MechanicName = nil,
        DiscountRate = 0,
        JobName = "mechanic", -- If you are using the server's job system, enter the job name.
        VehicleSpawn = vector3(-356.51284790039,-119.94790649414,38.696281433105),
        TownTruckSpawnCoord = vector4(-366.07720947266,-111.69420623779,38.696643829346,110.70636749268),
        Customers = {},
        VehicleRepairAndCleaningLaborPrice = 1000, -- Vehicle Cleaning and Repair Fee || This is the labor price only. The price may increase depending on the damage of the vehicle.
        SalaryPerMod = 40, -- Percentage that employees will receive from their modification wages.
        Money = 0,
        Employees = {},
        CenterCoord = vector3(-339.3092956543,-137.1961517334,38.699272155762),
        BossMenuCoord = vector3(-347.41546630859,-133.4807434082,39.240417480469),
        BlipShow = true,
        Blip = {Id = 446, Scale = 1.0, Color = 2, Display = 4},
        ModifiedAreas = {
            {Coord = vector3(-338.6139831543,-137.64077758789,39.00968170166), Distance = 5.0},
            {Coord = vector3(490.57504272461,5590.2646484375,794.02239990234), Distance = 5.0}

        Owner = nil,
        Price = 100000,
        MechanicName = nil,
        DiscountRate = 0,
        JobName = "mechanic", -- If you are using the server's job system, enter the job name.
        VehicleSpawn = vector3(-356.51284790039,-119.94790649414,38.696281433105),
        TownTruckSpawnCoord = vector4(-366.07720947266,-111.69420623779,38.696643829346,110.70636749268),
        Customers = {},
        VehicleRepairAndCleaningLaborPrice = 1000, -- Vehicle Cleaning and Repair Fee || This is the labor price only. The price may increase depending on the damage of the vehicle.
        SalaryPerMod = 40, -- Percentage that employees will receive from their modification wages.
        Money = 0,
        Employees = {},
        CenterCoord = vector3(-339.3092956543,-137.1961517334,38.699272155762),
        BossMenuCoord = vector3(-347.41546630859,-133.4807434082,39.240417480469),
        BlipShow = true,
        Blip = {Id = 446, Scale = 1.0, Color = 2, Display = 4},
        ModifiedAreas = {
            {Coord = vector3(-338.6139831543,-137.64077758789,39.00968170166), Distance = 5.0},
            {Coord = vector3(490.57504272461,5590.2646484375,794.02239990234), Distance = 5.0}

Your code should be like above. Then, in the mechanic you copied, JobName, VehicleSpawn, TownTruckSpawnCoord, CenterCoord, The coordinates in the BossMenuCoord and ModifiedAreas sections are the places you need to change for your new mechanic.

Hiding the Border During Modification

Config.HideHud = function()

Config.OpenHud = function()

Place events, exports or functions that hide and open your border within these functions.

Last updated