Config Settings
FRKN Doorlock Configurations
Information about general settings in Config is given below
Config = {}
Config.ServerCallbacks = {}
Config.UseTextUI = false -- Activate this you have frkn-textui-2 script
Config.CommandPermission = 'god' -- permission level for creating new doors (god for QB, admin for ESX)
Config.AdminAccess = false -- Enable admins to unlock any door
Config.AdminPermission = 'god' -- The permission needed to get AdminAccess if it is enabled
Config.Warnings = true -- if true it will show warnings in the console when certain requirements aren't met
Config.EnableSounds = true -- Enable sounds when unlocking/locking doors (doors triggered by scripts can have the sound manually disabled)
Config.EnableAnimation = true -- Enable the animation when unlocking/locking doors (doors triggered by scripts can have the animation manually disabled)
Config.PersistentDoorStates = false -- Persists the door state between server restarts
Config.PersistentSaveInternal = 60000 -- How often door states are saved to the file system, in miliseconds.
Config.RemoteTriggerDistance = 15.0 -- This is how far from your camera the raycast will go to try to hit something solid
Config.RemoteTriggerMinDistance = 5.0 -- This is the minimum distance required for the raycast hit to count near a door. It will take the larger two between this and 'distance' option
Config.FaceScanner = "3fe_faceid" -- Face scanner prop name
Config.TvProp = "prop_tv_flat_michael" -- TV prop name
Config.Interaction = { -- Interaction settings
UseTarget = true,
Target = "qb-target",
Config.TargetText = "Do face scanning" -- Text to show when looking at the face scanner
Config.Consumables = { ['ticket'] = 1, ['paperclip'] = 1 } -- The items will get removed once used on a door that has the item on it
Last updated