ðŸŠķConfig Settings

BP Inventory Configurations

Config.lua Settings

Here you can change the base system to qb or esx.

Config.base = "ESX" --- QBCORE or "ESX"

You can adjust according to which database script you are using.

Config.DatabaseName = "oxmysql"  --- oxmysql , mysql-async , ghmattisql

With this setting you can change the backpack system to roleplay or survival mode.

  • If you make it true, your inventory will not open without wearing a backpack and you can only use the pocket, clothes and weapons section.

  • If false, it opens as a classic roleplay inventory.

Config.usebackpack = false

You can set the drop system in 2 ways.

  • With “marker” it appears as Marker.

  • With “object” it shows the box or defined object on the ground.

Config.droptype = "object" ----- "object" or "marker"

If a special prop is not defined in the config, the default prop will appear here.

Config.defaultobject = "hei_prop_heist_box"

With this setting you can set the drop distance. For example, after 2 meters away, the visible object or marker disappears.

Config.dropdist = 2

With this setting you can turn the item clothing system off and on. When the system is turned off, only the put on/off function remains.

Config.clothing = true

With the item props you enter into this setting, the items thrown on the ground appear with those props.

Config.DropsItems = { ["weapon_assaultrifle"] = { object ="w_ar_assaultrifle", }, ["weapon_smg"] = { object ="w_sb_smg", }, ["coke_brick"] = { object ="bkr_prop_coke_cutblock_01", }, ["meth"] = { object ="hei_prop_pill_bag_01", }, ["markedbills"] = { -- Item Name object="prop_money_bag_01", -- Model you want to display }, ["burger"] = { -- Item Name object="prop_cs_burger_01", -- }, ["water"] = { -- Item Name object="prop_ld_flow_bottle", -- }, }

With this setting you can set the maximum slot and weight of the inventory.

Config.slotinfo = {
    ['backpack'] = {['slot'] = 35, ['weight'] = 30},
    ['pocket'] = {['slot'] = 6, ['weight'] = 10},      
    ['drop'] = {['slot'] = 50, ['weight'] = 900},  


With this setting you can set the notification setting. There are 3 different settings.

  • “qbnotify” (works with QBCore.Functions.Notify)

  • “esxnotify” (works with ESX.ShowNotification)

  • “costumnotify” (redirects to the notifycustom function in config.lua)

Config.notifytype = "esxnotify"

With this function, you can make extra adjustments to the food, beverage and thirst feature to suit your system.

getstats = function()

Last updated