ðŸŠķConfig Settings

BP Garage Configurations

Base Settings

Config.base = "ESX" --- QBCORE or "ESX"

Here you can change the base system to qb or esx.

Config.notifytype = "esxnotify"    --- esxnotify, costumnotify , qbnotify

You can specify 3 different announcement systems. The costumnotify part goes to the config side below. You can edit this here according to your needs.

notifycustom = function (text, time)
    --  print('ss')

Enter the discord webhook address here for the photo taking system in the Create menu to work.

Config.PhotoWebhook = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1097672293221670942/nWxiIpquVFOlVRT-ItXbt-Kk75trcFiqu0_JWyk6wyEcGfqKNIhx8uJGnGmNyPs8_H-A"

Automatic data extraction system

Config.getautodata = true  --- get autodata from for esx : owned_vehicles , qb : player_vehicles

Drawtext System

if you need use custom drawtext ui set false this settings.

Config.scriptdrawtext = true

customdrawtext = function(types, text)    ------ > This is an alternative to activate and deactivate using a custom drawtext UI.
    if types == "on" then 
    elseif types == "off" then 

General Garage Add

    ["centerpark"] = {   ----- uniqid
        ['label'] = "Center Park",
        ['coords'] = vector3(231.178024, -791.301086, 30.610962),
        ['markers'] = {['markertype'] = 36, ['markerlabel'] = "Center Park [E]" , ['markersize'] = {['x'] = 0.6, ['y'] = 0.6, ['z'] = 0.6}, ['markercolor'] = {['r'] = 247, ['g'] = 245, ['b'] = 255}},
        -- ['interiorsettings'] = {['isinterior'] = false , ['interiortype'] = "lowgarage" },
        ['blips'] = {['bliptype'] = 357, ['blipcolor'] = 3, ['blipscale'] = 0.7},
        ['maxvehicle'] = 25,                               -----------------------------------------------------  !attention if you change this you need to reset the allvehicles.json file.
        ['garagetype'] = {"vehicle", "motorcycle"},
        ['currentjob'] = {"all"}

From here you can create a job or public garage.The value ["centerpark"] must be a completely unique name. If it is the same, it may be an error.

⚠ïļ If you have run the script once, the max vehicles in config.allgarages will now be recorded. If you want to change this value to ['maxvehicle'] = 15. You need to reset allvehicles.json file. (you will make the inside like this. [])

Last updated