ðķCreate, Settings Studio
In this document you will learn how to create a studio and the values it can take
Since the studio script works based on the profession, the profession must definitely be in your qb jobs table or esx jobs table.
Change Studio Job
To do this, you need to change the table name, which is the main header of your studio table. Like the following example
your_new_job_name: Here you should write the name of your new profession or the profession you want to change.
What is Debug?
[âdebugâ] = @boolean, It is the printing of data, transactions to F8 or Server console from the time the script starts running until the end of any operation.
What is Blips / What it does
The Blips table is the table that contains the icon and other variables that will appear on the Map by everyone in the game.
["coords"]: @veector3 You must enter coordinates here to determine where the blip will appear on the map.
["sprite"]: @int It is the icon type that will appear on the map. Fivem Blips.
["color"]: @int The colour of the icon that will appear on the map. Fivem Blip Colours
["scale"]: @float The size of the icon that will appear on the map.
["label"]: @string The name of the icon that will appear on the map
["show"]: @boolean If you want the blips to appear on the map, you should make
if you don't wantfalse
Studio placae / PolyZones
It is important to arrange the studio space. In order to access the computer, to hear the sounds in the studio, the correct complete cordkinat must be taken from the sides of the studio.
IMPORTANT â PolyZone areas should include the computer. If there are no computer coordinates in PolyZone areas, you will get the error âYou're not in the studio area.â
After copying the correct vector from each edge of the studio, paste it into the âpolyzonesâ table with a comma at the end. Fix the Z position to a fixed float.
Example for polyzones:
["height"]: @float It is the height of the polyzone you entered. Default height is 10.0. If the polyzone is too high or too low, you can adjust this variable by increasing or decreasing it.
Computer / Microphone Coords
In the Microphone and Computer Access section, you should use this section to set the coordinates and the size of the target at these coordinates.
["radius"]: @float Target is the size of the area.
["coords"]: @vector3 The location of the target where the computer or microphone will be accessed.
Audio recordings can be made by the person currently using the computer. Voice recording cannot be taken for the person in the microphone in the studio is not yet stable. It will be fixed with the update.
Last updated