Read this article to translate the text in bodycamv2 into your language
Yes, there is a file and a table. You can organise it according to your language.
Go to wais-bodycamv2/html/public/language.json file and edit the variables according to yourself.
You need to restart the script for the changes to take effect. Comma or apostrophe errors will cause the script to stop working.
"header": {
"bodyListTitle": "bodycameras listing",
"bodyListSubtitle": "here you can see all bodycameras",
"dashListTitle": "dashcameras listing",
"dashListSubtitle": "here you can see all dashcameras",
"recordListTitle": "records listing",
"recordListSubtitle": "here you can see all records"
"search": "Search by name",
"grade": "grade",
"name": "name",
"date": "date",
"watch": "watch",
"category": "category",
"bodycams": "bodycameras",
"dashcams": "dashcameras",
"records": "records",
"close": "close the menu",
"recording": "recording",
"live": "living",
"location": "location",
"exitcam": "backspace / exit camera"