New jobs for using Bodycam and Dashcam, accessing menus, etc. are added here
Make sure that the Job has already been created!
For this, visit wais-bodycamv2/Config.lua.
Here is an example for adding a new job
The following contents of the new job must be filled in:
Need the name of the job to be added
The vector3 axes of the coordinate where the menu will appear are required
You have to adjust how far away the menu is visible. Example: 3.0 @float
Text to be seen is required to access the menu
The Discord webhook system no longer provides media viewing for more than 24 hours. For video upload and viewing system is my great recommendation.
Config.Jobs = {
["police"] = {
["watch"] = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
["distance"] = 0.0,
["text"] = "Menu Text",
["uiSettings"] = {
["color"] = "#", -- Color of the main color theme of the menu (base on a lighter or pastel shade of the selected color)
["title"] = "", -- Menu title above the categories in the right browser
["subtitle"] = "", -- Subtitle on the right side
["videoUpload"] = { -- api or webhook to forward when recordings are stopped
["webhook"] = "",
["fivemanage"] = false, --
["fivemanage_token"] = "", --
["backgroundColor"] = "#", -- Background color of the menu (based on a more muted shade of the selected color)
["badgeSettings"] = {
["image"] = "", -- the photo that will appear on the back when the camera is turned on
["darkerColor"] = "#", -- the color of the badge that will appear on the back when the camera is turned on
["lighterColor"] = "#", -- the color of the badge that will appear on the back when the camera is turned on
["departmentName"] = "" -- the name of the department that will appear on the back when the camera is turned on