Prop System
Here you can get help for the prop that will appear on the pad when the bodycam is activated
For everything to be done here, the Config.lua file must be open, looking at the Config.Props table.
Activating the prop system
["attachBodycam"] change this value to true. In this way, when the bodycam is used, the camera you set will appear on the person's body.
They have separate places in the clothing system for the Male character and the Female character.
Scripted id of the items in the outfit menu:
0: Face
1: Mask
2: Hair
3: Torso
4: Leg
5: Parachute / bag
6: Shoes
7: Accessory
8: Undershirt
9: Kevlar
10: Badge
11: Torso
["drawableId"] is the id of the clothes.
["textureId"] is the different type & texture id of the selected outfit
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