Windows guide
Welcome to the node.js installation, which is part of the studio script.
1 - Install Node.js
You can click on the link here to install Node.js.
You can make a quick and simple installation by clicking the Next button at each step during the installation phase.
If you think you will do something wrong, you can watch the Node.js installation video.
After this is done, restart your server so that everything necessary for Node.js and modules is verified.
2 - Install the librarys
In order for the server side to work correctly and as it should, the necessary modules must be installed. To do this, navigate to the wais-studio/server file path.
Navigate to the file path of the studio script. Enter the server folder.
Then open the file named install_modules.bat and run it. This file will download the software libraries required by the Javascript code.
Wait until the process in the console that appears. Afterwards, the console will automatically close itself when the process is finished.
3 - Install ffmpeg - MP3 Converter Library
ffmpeg is a prominent library for converting and processing audio, video, etc. If this library is not installed, .mp3 files will not be stored on your server. You can download the ffmpeg library here.
After downloading the zip folder, unzip it, go to the folder ffmpeg-master-latest-win64-gpl-shared/bin. And copy all these files.
Navigate to the wais-studio/server file path and create a new folder. The folder name must be ffmpeg
Paste all the copied files into the wais-studio/server/ffmpeg folder.
4 - Write IP Adress
Once this is done, visit wais-studio/web/public/Config.json file.
Replace the ‘express’ variable in the Config.json file with your ip address.
YOUR_IP_ADRESS Section must definitely be the ip address of your server. Otherwise the studio script will not work correctly.
Keep the ConfigSv.Express variable the same
In order for the script to work correctly, first contact your hosting provider and ask them the following question. Or if you have a panel or access, disable protections for port 4444.
‘Hello, I will broadcast a web server on port 4444 on my server. There will be incoming and outgoing requests. I want to disable the Firewall and DDOS Protections/Rules/Filters for port 4444 because I don't want it to get caught in the firewall or be detected as a DDOS.’
If you skip this step or fail to do it correctly, you will get the following results. You will get the error ‘Something went wrong, try again later’ in Studio or Converter.
6 - Open start.bat file
After all operations are completed, the start.bat file must be opened and the console must be in front of you before your server is opened or the script is started. To do this, navigate to the wais-studio/server file path.
IMPORTANT ⇒ If the console is switched off, the studio script will not work. Features such as record, export, music download & playback will not work.
If you have successfully completed all these steps, it is time to create a YouTube API key! 🥳🥳
Last updated