Config Var's

Old Vars

Makes transitions smoother

Special areas for special weather conditions

Translation table

Experimental New Features!

This part is a trial and beta version, you were not promised this part, we do not support this part!

Whoever wants to use it can use it themselves

It activates the reactions of clothes with the weather.

How long does it take to control the reaction of clothing to the weather?

Sensitivity of clothes

Convert Fahrenheit to celcius


The degree at which you start to feel cold

The degree at which you start to sweat

Critical Cold Level

Critical Perspiration Level

Damage it?

How much damage?

Activate the senses?

You want him to activate his senses as notfiy?

faint, hypothermia, sweating, cold

How many seconds should he check his senses

Which weather patterns are cold

Always start with realtime

What are the weather conditions for sweating?

Cold and sweaty clothes

Checks if other weather scripts are active. If it is active, it warns.

If it is active, the two weather scripts may overlap and you need to stop it.

Weather resource list

Weather source list patterns

It activates the triggers in qb-weathersync and the script's own exports.

Last updated