PH Robbery Contracts
With this system, you can create heists with your team and participate in them.
Last updated
With this system, you can create heists with your team and participate in them.
Last updated
1. Robbery Contract Details Page
In this page, detailed information about the contracts is displayed. Key elements include:
Cargo Type: Indicates the items that will be obtained or required during the heist (e.g., body armor, plates).
Requirements: Specific items or tools needed to initiate the heist (e.g., a trackchip).
Number of Slots: Represents the maximum number of team members that can participate in the heist.
Detailed Description: Provides a clear explanation of the heist's objectives and gameplay instructions.
The View button initiates the heist, allowing team members to prepare and confirm their readiness.
3. Heist Readiness Page
This page is where team members can confirm their readiness for the heist. Key features on this page include:
Team Slots: Displays the readiness status of each participating member.
Start Button: Once all members are confirmed, the team leader can initiate the heist.
Once the heist begins, all relevant tasks and missions are assigned to each team member according to their roles.
4. Robbery Timeout Page
After a heist is completed, the system initiates a cooldown period during which the same contract cannot be attempted. This timeout ensures a realistic delay between consecutive heists, maintaining a balanced gameplay experience.
The robbery contract system is highly customizable through a configuration setup. The following is an example of how a robbery contract can be configured in the system:
Configuration Explanation:
name: The name of the robbery contract.
category: The general category to which the heist belongs.
cargoType: Specifies the types of items that are crucial for the heist.
image: URL path of the image that visually represents the contract.
coin: The reward or cost of the heist in the in-game currency.
requirements: Specific items or tools required to initiate the contract.
slot: Maximum number of players allowed in the heist.
timeOut: Duration of the cooldown period in milliseconds.
description: Brief description explaining the objectives of the heist.
event: Triggered when the heist begins, starting the relevant event in the script.